Monday, July 28, 2014

Usno Baru hit by two factions syndrome

Usno Baru had been set to announce that it would join the United Sabah Alliance (USA) proposed by Star Sabah Chairman Jeffrey Kitingan.
usno_300KOTA KINABALU: Usno Baru, registered on 28 August last year, appears headed for the Courts if the contents of a police report, lodged by one faction on Friday, are anything to go by.
The faction, 10 members of the original Protem Committee, is alleging that a report on its first Annual General Meeting (AGM) submitted to the Registrar of Societies (ROS) was completely made up by a Dulli bin Tiaseh who was removed as Protem President last December after the AGM was not postponed as requested by him.
Ibrahim Linggam, a spokesman for the faction, alleged that Dulli submitted a report to the ROS claiming that three-quarters of the original Protem had quit the party before the AGM and had been replaced by others.
“Dulli left the party after three quarters of the Protem committee refused to postpone the AGM as demanded by him,” said Ibrahim. “We continued the meeting and submitted the report to ROS.”
He said that upon checking the status of the party with the ROS in Putrajaya earlier this month, the Committee was shocked to find that Dulli had filed another report which had been accepted. “He has been recognized by the ROS as the President under his line-up,” said Ibrahim.
He quoted ROS Deputy Senior Assistant Principal Desmond Das as saying that “Dulli told him that only he and the Protem Treasurer-General attended the AGM in December and the others had left the party”.
He indicated that the next step would be to file an application at the High Court seeking leave to seek Judicial Review against the decision of the ROS to accept Dulli and his line-up as duly elected. The ROS reportedly stamped its approval on the Dulli line-up on May 6.
Usno Baru had been set to announce that it would join the United Sabah Alliance (USA) proposed by Star Sabah Chairman Jeffrey Kitingan and seconded by the Sabah Progressive Party (Sapp). Jeffrey is also state assemblyman for Bingkor.

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