Friday, August 29, 2014

Jeffrey warns against ‘Selangor virus’

Jeffrey Kitingan says a government should be formed based on the law and constitution, not emotion.
Jeffrey KitinganKENINGAU: The Federal Government has been urged to ensure that the Constitution is followed in naming a Menteri Besar in Selangor and ending the protracted political crisis in the state which is rapidly developing into a constitutional one.
Failure to do so, warned Star Sabah Chief Jeffrey Kitingan, places all states in the country at risk as the “Selangor virus” could spread and engulf them too.
“Doing things based on emotion will make it very difficult to administer the country and in the end it will create chaos as well as dissatisfaction among the people,” said Jeffrey who is also the assemblyman for Bingkor.
The Federation’s politics must be based on the Constitution, he continued, and reiterated that it should “not be based on emotion” as the country must remain stable.
“The head of state such as the Agong, Sultan or Governor only follows the decision of the Parliament or the State Assembly,” pointed out Jeffrey.
“This is the concept in forming the government based on the law and Constitution.”
In the case of Selangor, Jeffrey was puzzled that the Sultan had made requests not in line with the Constitution.
“If this can happen then it would be meaningless to form a party or the State Assembly because they have no power to form the government even though they are elected by the people,” he said.
Jeffrey called on the people throughout the Federation to be patient in seeing an end to the constitutional crisis in Selangor.

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