Friday, August 29, 2014


This is because they will believe what they believe and nothing you can say will sway them or make them change their view even if they cannot prove what they believe, and if you contradict them they will become very hostile and abusive.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Muslims believe that Muhammad is a Prophet of God and the final prophet that God sent to humankind and that the Qur’an came from God and was revealed to Muhammad via the Angel Gabriel.
Try telling Muslims that this is bullshit and that Muhammad was a fake and that the Qur’an is a book plagiarised from the Jews and Christians and Muslims will swear and curse you, if they do not attack you or kill you.
This is because they will believe what they believe and nothing you can say will sway them or make them change their view even if they cannot prove what they believe, and if you contradict them they will become very hostile and abusive.
Christians believe that Christianity came from Jesus and the Bible was written by the Disciples of Jesus but inspired by God and that Jesus was crucified and then resurrected before he was raised to heaven.
Try telling Christians that this is bullshit and that Christianity is a fabrication of Paul and that unknown authors wrote the Bible many years after Jesus had gone and named them after the Disciples of Jesus just to make them appear authentic and Christians will swear and curse you and will tell you that you are not qualified to talk about Christianity because you know nothing about Christianity.
This is because they will believe what they believe and nothing you can say will sway them or make them change their view even if they cannot prove what they believe, and if you contradict them they will become very hostile and abusive.
Pakatoons believe that Anwar Ibrahim is right for sacking Khalid Ibrahim and that Khalid should have resigned when asked to do so and he deserves being sacked for refusing to resign.
Try telling Pakatoons that this is bullshit and that PKR did not and cannot prove all those allegations of misconduct levelled against Khalid and that Khalid is a victim of injustice and they will swear and curse you and will call you all sorts of nasty names and will accuse you of being a BN agent who has been bought off by Umno.
This is because they will believe what they believe and nothing you can say will sway them or make them change their view even if they cannot prove what they believe, and if you contradict them they will become very hostile and abusive.
People in that category are incapable of rationalising or of thinking logically and they believe they are right and can never be wrong and what they believe is the gospel and God’s truth and since you do not share their belief that can only be because you are stupid while they are geniuses.

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