Friday, August 29, 2014

“The late Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah even requested for up to four names from Umno when Barisan Nasional ruled the state.”
(The Star) – It has been a long-standing convention for the Selangor palace to ask for more than one name before the appointment of a mentri besar.
A source close to the palace and familiar with the sentiments of the Sultan said it was normal for him to ask for more than two names.
“The late Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah even requested for up to four names from Umno when Barisan Nasional ruled the state,” he said.
This time around, the palace sent separate letters to PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and DAP secretary-ge­neral Lim Guan Eng, asking them to nominate more than two names for the post.
The source explained that in 2008 and 2013, the palace asked for two names from Pakatan Rakyat but did not make the request publicly known.
“Pakatan Rakyat leaders have to sort out their differences and have consultations among all three parties before making a decision.
“They must remember that Pa­katan is not a coalition like Ba­ri­san.
“They have to consult one another and, more importantly, they cannot hurry the palace when they themselves cannot get their act together,” he said.
Despite the Sultan’s decree wanting more names as mentri besar candidate, PKR and DAP have remained defiant about their decision to only submit Dr Wan Azizah’s name.
PAS, on the other hand, intends to follow the Sultan’s wishes by giving more names as a potential replacement for Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.
The palace source said the Selan­gor Ruler also felt there was no necessity for Dr Wan Azizah to seek an audience at this point.
“The question of an audience has become academic because Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim has announced his resignation. It is not necessary for Dr Wan Azizah to meet the Sultan to convey the party’s decision because it is an internal matter,” he said.
The source said there were many rumours and much name-dropping, dragging the palace into the conflict which the palace felt was not good for the rakyat as this was the work of irresponsible people.
On Aug 15, Dr Wan Azizah announced that she had obtained the majority support in the 56-seat state assembly to become mentri besar after PAS’ Hulu Kelang assemblyman Saari Sungib and Morib assemblyman Hasnul Baharuddin swore support for her in a statutory declaration that was signed by 28 other Pakatan assemblymen.
PAS, however, is keeping its Pakatan partners guessing again whether it agrees to Dr Wan Azizah replacing Khalid as mentri besar.

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