Monday, September 1, 2014

Unforgettable Merdeka for the wrong reasons

FREE YOURSAY ‘The PPS has been around for many years. Why is the IGP only taking action now?

154 PPS men arrested in Penang Merdeka swoop

Vijay47: This is a Merdeka not many of us will forget for a long while. First we had Umno supreme council member Ismail Sabri Yaakob asking Malays to unite, though he kindly does not tell us who he wishes the Malays to unite against. Nor does he share with us who has been "challenging" the Malays.

Then, we had the police detaining members of the Penang Voluntary Patrol Unit (PPS) on some still mysterious grounds. From what I understand, these PPS members did not cause any "public unrest" by participating in the Merdeka parade, nude.

Or has wearing purple become offensive? For me, welcoming Merdeka was far more boring, no fireworks, waving flags, marching in grand parades and ostentatious rituals.

It was just the singing of the ‘Negara Ku’ in church this morning. In these trying and frightening times, that gave me much more comfort and sustenance than public displays of so-called patriotism. Yeah, Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Poor Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Negarawan: The PPS has been around for many years. Why is the IGP only taking action now? The PPS has rendered good service to the people of Penang, some say even more than the police. So, does the IGP have anything better to do, like fighting real crime?

Pisasu 7: Wonderful Merdeka in a police state.

Bystander: Law-abiding citizens who are caring enough to volunteer for crime watch duties have been arrested and remanded for a day. If this is not intimidation and confrontational, I don't know what is. They are good in bullying civilians especially those who are aligned to Pakatan, but not the intruders from Sulu.

Truth: The rakyat needs to know more about PPS, their roles, duties, their working hours, etc. It's very dangerous to have a group of people working in the states without a specific portfolio.

Can each state set up its own 'army'? Can any group of people set up their own 'patrolling group'? Can PPS arrest people? Can they inspect vehicles? If they patrol the neighborhood, what are the hours?

How is the rakyat able to identify them? Just from their vests? Badges? ID cards? Can they go for training? Too many questions unanswered.

Mushiro: Why the need to arrest these PPS personnel after the Merdeka celebrations if it was not to show that the IGP is flexing his muscles and playing politics?

The law allows members of the public to make a public arrest. So, was it wrong for the PPS men to be in the Esplanade overseeing the security of the function?

The police cannot even protect the house of the Penang CM; a Molotov cocktail was thrown at it early this morning. Yet the police prioritised the arrest of these PPS men, which would have been planned and strategised in the last few days.

Wira: Will IGP Khalid Abu Bakar next arrest Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for forming a government agency that does not have police approval?

Will the police also arrest the Village and Security Development Committee (JKKK) members formed by Putrajaya in states run by the opposition. They are interfering with and overlapping the functions of the local authorities, the roles of which are prescribed by law.

This sweep by police is illegal. The Penang state government must take the police to court with state resources.

1419: What’s the reason these folks got arrested? It just doesn’t make sense because they were not conducting or organising any public event without a permit. They were merely attending a Merdeka event as Malaysians.

Jaguh: This is a Guan Eng vs IGP thing spurred by a DAP thing vs Umno thing. Guan Eng, take him to court and settle it. If he loses, don't ask for compensation but his resignation and permanent disappearance.

I WONDER?: Are they being arrested for pledging patriotism in attending the national independence day parade?

Anthony Chan: If Gandhi is alive, he would encourage peaceful civil disobedience against government injustices. Why not all the remaining PPS members wear their uniforms and go to the police station to see whether the police also wanted to arrest or detain them?

Like many instances in the past, this is Umno showing its power through government institutions. When will we see the people power?

Appum: Perhaps Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak should get Khazanah to "invest" in the police and spend another RM6 billion. Remove 6,000 of the useless staff from top to bottom.

Change their attitude and mentality to serve as apolitical public servants with efficiency, like those of our neighbouring countries like Singapore and Hong Kong (once upon a time a very corrupt force and absolutely inefficient).

Revamp the whole organisation and its systems, to ensure they perform with greatest effectiveness, whereby we don't need residential security guards any more, no need for Rela, PPS and Rukun Tatangga security patrols.

The new police will have all these security issues under control. Definitely the  Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) will be one of the essential bodies set up to monitor their actions and efficiency.

The rakyat will be more than happy to see RM6 billion spent on such failed institutions rather than a failed institution like MAS. Such kind of huge expenditure gives a broader spectrum of direct benefits to all Malaysians. Well, that is, if the government really cares.

Waktamnoko: I see this incident as more of a confrontation. Guan Eng indirectly challenged by the police after the IGP gave a statement about the 'legality' of the organisation.

Guan Eng's statement was more confrontational in nature, and knowing the police, they do not take kindly to this sort of challenge.

A more conciliatory statement would be more prudent, for the Penang state government too needs to work with the police when security issues are involved.

If this confrontational attitude continues, then the Malays will see the DAP as another PAP in the making - if they have not felt so already. Maybe DAP supporters may disagree with my analysis, but what if the Malays who voted Pakatan the last GE also agree?

Wouldn’t this be helpful politically - at least to Pakatan in the long run? So one can be smart legally, but stupid politically.

And in this issue, Guan Eng fits the bill. As for the IPCMC, what chance will it have to be tabled and approved when even the former PM failed to do so?

LAWofKARMA: What wrong has the PPS done? Can those detained sue the police, Khalid, and Home Minister Zahid Hamidi for wrongful detention?

OH YA?: After they successfully whack the Selangor Pakatan government, the crackdown is now extended to the Penang Pakatan government. Who says Najib is weak?

Retnam: "Violating the Societies Act.". Is this a criminal offence? Funny lah, this IGP.

Justice Pao: Since there are so many deaths in police custody and also, quite a number of police officers going crooked, maybe we should disband the police force, based on IGP Khalid Abu Bakar's reasoning?

Disgusting: I am not a politician. However, I must say this - where are you MCA, MIC and Gerakan? If you want our support, you have to stay relevant by condemning the actions of the police who are harassing good and peace-loving citizens.

Paul Warren: That’s one heck of a Merdeka. Don't you guys get it? Life here in Malaysia has to be as defined by Umno. You redefine it or even try to and this is what awaits you.

CiViC: First deny the people the security they need, then deny them the rights to defend themselves. If all fails, deny them water supply and essentials. Sounds familiar? Does that not sound like Sabah and Sarawak, which still repeatedly vote for BN?

Miow miow:
 Police wasting taxpayers money.

Anonymous #039163649: So much crime in Penang and the police are not bothered. Only days ago, two children escaped being kidnapped by biting their abductors.

The culprits have not been caught, but the police have plenty of time to go after citizens who are helping the police to keep the peace.

Yet, when the people complain of there being too much crime, the police will appeal for public cooperation and say that they can't fight crime effectively without it. -Mkini

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