Monday, September 1, 2014

IGP shoots PM’s Merdeka message to pieces

Lim Kit Siang says the IGP has single-handedly reduced to shambles Najib's Merdeka message.
IGP pps300KOTA KINABALU: DAP’s Lim Kit Siang said that with the arrests of PPS members on Merdeka Day, the Inspector General of Police had shot to pieces the Prime Minister’s key messages of unity, confidence and prosperity.
Remarking that Merdeka Day this year had turned from being a day of inspiration to one of infamy, Lim said, “August 31, 2014 would go down in Malaysian history as one of its ‘black letter’ days.”
He said that while Najib tried to make an “eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart” connection with Malaysians by speaking live on Merdeka Day eve, the IGP Khalid Abu Bakar had “torn to shreds” Najib’s efforts by the mass arrests of Penang Voluntary Patrol Unit members the following morning.
Likening the mass arrests to a “rampage”, Lim defended PPS members as “patriotic and exemplary citizens” who had contributed to the peace, harmony and security of their neighbourhoods.
Lim also said the police had made a “total mockery” of the PM’s unity message and echoed DAP’s Gobind Singh Deo’s remarks that the arrests were making our country and PM “the laughing stock of the world.”
Explaining that the mark of a developed and civil nation was its keen sense of right and wrong, Lim said, “Something has gone very wrong with our nation when Good Samaritans ever-ready to give their time, energy and service to help less fortunate citizens are treated as common criminals.”
He said the PPS fiasco would leave a negative effect on the country and the PM’s leadership as the world watched and passed judgement on how the issue was being dealt with.
“Silence, indifference or inaction by Najib about what happened in Penang yesterday is going to cost the country and Najib dearly in terms of international repute and esteem.”
Lim added that any differences of opinion regarding the legality of the PPS should be resolved in court.
Saying “The ball is in Najib’s court”, Lim wanted to know what Najib’s next move would be to address this sticky situation.

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