Saturday, September 27, 2014

Kit Siang presses Najib to condemn Islamic State in Parliament

A picture of an Islamic State flag. DAP’s Lim Kit Siang has urged Prime Minister Datuk Seri  Najib Razak to condemn the actions of the Islamic State by moving a motion in Parliament. – Reuters pic, September 27, 2014.A picture of an Islamic State flag. DAP’s Lim Kit Siang has urged Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to condemn the actions of the Islamic State by moving a motion in Parliament. – Reuters pic, September 27, 2014.
DAP's Lim Kit Siang has called on Datuk Seri Najib Razak to move a motion in Parliament to condemn the extremism and atrocities promoted by Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria and Iraq, when the House convenes on October 7.
He also called on the prime minister to use the Global Movement of Moderates (GMM) to launch initiatives to promote moderation, and reject violence and extremism in the face of the Isis threat.
"Najib should move a motion when Parliament meets on October 7 to condemn, in unambiguous and unconditional terms, the extremism, violence and barbarism of ISIS," Lim said in a statement today.
Lim was responding to Najib's speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) yesterday, where the prime minister had denounced the extremists that have declared an Islamic state in Syria and Iraq.
He said the militants have destroyed lives and communities, and destabilised fragile nations and threatened regional security.
In lauding the speech, Lim said: “It would have been better if Najib’s unqualified condemnation of the Islamic State militants and extremists had been made very much earlier, instead of waiting for the UNGA yesterday. But, it is better late than never.”
Najib (pic, left) lamented that the IS militants have used the name of Islam, which is known as the religion of peace, to justify its atrocities.
"They challenge the very notion of the state. They call our youth with the siren song of illegitimate jihad. And, they demand all Muslims swear allegiance to their so-called caliph. That demand will never be met.
“We reject this so-called Islamic State. We reject this state defined by extremism. And we condemn the violence being committed in the name of Islam."
Lim previously urged Najib to use his speech at the annual assembly to denounce the IS militants after the prime minister came under fire for apparently glorifying the extremists in an Umno event in June.
Lim (pic, right) said today that the GMM, which was Najib's brainchild, should be placed at the forefront of an international campaign to mobilise world opinion against IS.
"Unfortunately, GMM is unable to rise to the challenge of the times as it is desperately fending off attacks from extremists and intolerant right-wing groups in the country for being 'seditious'.
"This is the result of a 'white terror' spree by Najib’s government in the past six weeks through a sedition dragnet to stifle freedom of speech and legitimate criticism and dissent, which ironically grants immunity to the extremist elements in the country for serious violations of the law."
He was referring to Putrajaya's sedition blitz in recent weeks where several individuals have either been charged with sedition, are facing trial, or being investigated under the law.
The list includes opposition politicians, activists, an academician, a lawyer, a journalist, and two Muslim scholars.
Lim warned that Najib would risk forfeiting all respect and credibility, whether at home or in the international arena, should he fail to align his domestic policies with his international pronouncements.
"Just as Islam is not under siege internationally, it is not under siege in Malaysia. And, those who use the name of Islam to justify extremist and intolerant outbursts and actions must be contained, not only internationally, but also nationally."

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