Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Lessons from the Selangor MB Crisis

Lessons from the S'gor MB Crisis
In life, every incident is a lesson. The key players in the event should come out wiser though they may regret or be disappointed because they did not expect the key players influenced events to take such a turn. People forgive but do they forget?
The wise Indians have said that ‘On another day, you can’t repeat the tears or sorrow you felt on the day of demise of a loved one. Life goes on and people learn to overcome grief and problems by adjusting accordingly’. Similarly after the MB crisis, we have to learn to adjust so that life and the partnership will go on. We are still not out of woods because the appointment of Datin Seri Wan Azizah (DSWA) as MB will have to go through the proper procedures according to the law.
Logically, there shouldn’t be any problem because she commands more than 2/3 majority in the state assembly. However, past experiences have shown how laws in Malaysia can be bent according to the interests of certain parties’ pull and push for some hidden financial agenda including back door methods to gain power by unethical means. Let us wait and see.
In my last article about munafiks (hypocrites), I mentioned two historical incidents from movies. Both incidents had references to show the flaw in PAS’actions in the MB incident. By tying their legs, the Libyan fighters, who also had family commitments, were all wiped out. If PAS had stuck to their views about the MB, PAS would have been wiped out in any future GE in Selangor. Disobedience by archers, resulted in losing a battle. If PAS had carried out its threat of disobeying the majority in PR, they would have lost a foothold in Malaysian politics.
I thank Allah that goodwill and wisdom prevailed in their decisions on August 17. Time will tell whether the jinxor evil spirit of the number 17 (day when MH 17 was shot down) is broken. This evil spirit is looking for a new host. I hear thunder and rumbling sounds from the BN camp in the form of past versus present.
The PR coalition should be like the 3 branches of any country’s armed forces, namely Army, Navy and Air Force. Success will only come when the three trust in one another’s leadership and work together. Each branch has its own hierarchy of command, which is built after years of working together and knowing one another’s skills and ability as a team player.
Do we ever find the Army general interfering in any promotion in the Navy or Air Force? This is exactly what PAS did when they were against DSWA. PAS had to be stopped because this is the second time PAS members played this kind of dirty game. We all know that PR could have got a few extra ADUNS in Selangor, if some PAS members did not contest independently to split the votes.
In the army during emergencies, a disobeying soldier will be shot. This is exactly what PKR did when they sacked the MB. DAP supported the move in line with solidarity and support for the PKR leadership. PAS by its delayed support for DSWA, will continue to face criticisms until its future actions show that they want PR to flourish. PR supporters are watching their utterances and actions.
Malaysians who have been on the Refomasi trail with Anwar Ibrahim know that he stands for the truth and has paid a heavy price for it by enduring all the punishment, pain and humiliation. With LKS, they are the glue that hold PR together. They have shared power equally with PAS by not interfering in their affairs. They have always used the leadership channels to deal with problems and situations. After this crisis, I see Mohamad Sabu emerging from PAS as one more such leader.
Malaysians are supporting PR because they are fed up of corruption, racism and other ills that are destroying our unity, economy and peace. The 6 reasons given for the change of MB too had connotations about corruption and cronyism, which would have caused damage to PR in elections. Now we even find some PAS ADUNs sharing secrets about some of the MB’s activities and attitude during his 2nd term. It was embarrassing when PAS leaders kept repeating the ‘MB had done no wrong’.
In Selangor, PAS has 15 state representatives (ADUN), who should be directly responsible for any decision and action. During the present crisis, we find only two were bold enough to state their stand. They gained respect and praise for it. 13 others could have been more assuring instead of waiting for the decision from the top leadership. They should speak up to help the people of Selangor to have confidence in PAS. By now all PR ADUNs in Selangor should have become the best of friends, helping and supporting one another in many ways and things. Their multi racial show of friendship will give confidence to the voters.
The silver linings in this MB crisis are:
(a) The impression about BN when the Selangor ADUNs are discussed, looks really bad.The Selangor ADUN numbers: PAS 15 (one race), DAP 15 (multi-racial), PKR 13 (multi-racial) and Umno only 12 (one race). PR and its supporters look great as a Malaysian party representing all races. I hope Muslims from all races will be included in future PAS line up for elections. PAS should also express regret for being associated with or even thinking of forming a one race unity government with BN, during the crisis.
(b) The MB crisis was linked to possible corruption and many other aspects of ‘bad government’ usually associated with the BN. By taking the issue to clean up, PR‘s credibility and ability to fulfill the promises to voters have been established beyond doubt. The BN government’s image of being corrupt further deteriorated with recent news about Bank Islam (in the MB crisis) and Bank Rakyat (favouring the carpet man). Is there anything that BN is doing that is clean, transparent and without some secret ulterior motives?
(c)The myth that Umno is the only fighter for Bumiputra rights was shattered when PAS declared that they would withdraw their support, if the sacked MB got UMNO ADUNs to participate in his survival government.
(d) PR has 24 Malay ADUNs, while UMNO has only 12. This shows Umno has been rejected by the Malays of Selangor, the richest and most progressive state in Malaysia.
I am still overjoyed that DSWA is the only name to be submitted for MB. Malaysians have seen a few examples of women leaders as ministers and heads of GLCs and banks, even Bank Negara. We only hear praises for them in the official media but in the social media some of them look different. We know from foreign sources the present money printing scandals, and the past MBs caught with huge sums of money in HK and Australia but nothing from Bank Negara. We hear so much about cows and condos and APs but the official conclusion and verdict had always been,they have done no wrong’. How is it possible when millions are lost and there is no acceptable explanation? So far, our women leaders have been very successful as activists for social justice. They have sacrificed a lot for the nation’s well-being.
If DSWA succeeds in becoming the MB, she will be the first in Malaysia. From the time she came into public view because of her husband’s ordeals, she has shown a high level of tolerance and patience (sabar). I will give her full marks for her examples as a Muslim mother and wife. With guidance from her family and ADUNs, I am sure she will do a good job.This bad start would have made her more determined to prove a point by being a better MB.
Finally, I wish to suggest that PKR, DAP and PAS as part of PR should sign an agreement on Ethical Issues and the boundary of interference in one another’s party matters. Nobody should be a big brother and busy body. Individual party matters should be classified out of bounds and non-interferable. Any sensitive matters should get the approval of at least two parties before being raised.
The law and majority are on PR’s side. Let us wait and see whether the BN government agencies including PDRM will really be neutral in upholding law and order. Please do not allow contempt of the state Constitution by allowing vested interest to cause public disorder. During a past Selangor MB’s corruption conviction these things were done but failed because the then PM was clean and respected the laws. Will their off springs now in power do the same? -HARAKAHDAILY

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