Sunday, September 28, 2014

LFL decries repeated arrest of sedition suspect

It accuses the authorities of bad faith in Ali Abd Jalil's case.
lawyerPETALING JAYA: Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) today accused the police, the Attorney-General (AG) and the judiciary of bad faith in the repeated arrest and detention of Ali Abd Jalil for sedition.
Ali has been charged in Selayang and Shah Alam with three sedition offences and is facing more charges in Johor Bahru.
LFL said in a media statement that Ali’s case was a “blatant example” of abuse of power by the police and the AG’s Chambers “when it comes to politically motivated charges.”
It said it was shocked that the judiciary had been rubber stamping the remand process.
“Why should Ali be repeatedly remanded all over the country when the comments are all found on Facebook and can be accessed anywhere and be investigated simultaneously?” the statement said.
“It is clear that the multiple remands have been done in bad faith in order to punish Ali rather than as any bona fide attempt at investigation.
“We call on the police to go back to basics in addressing crime, in apprehending real criminals and preventing real crimes rather than be concerned with political offences and frivolous matters like Facebook postings.”

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