Monday, September 29, 2014

Only human and not a mere god-king

The Star Online - Aide: Sultan confident Azmin has support of lawmakers

TMI - Sultan blames Pakatan for MB tussle, defends role in choosing Azmin

First, HRH explained why he selected Azmin Ali as the new MB of Selangor, then he defended Khalid Ibrahim's record as the previous MB.

The former was in response to severe criticisms of his alleged breach of his constitutional role in ignoring the majority choice of Dr Wan as the new MB, while the latter was in response to him allowing Khalid Ibrahim to remain as MB for more than a month after Khalid Ibrahim was already expelled by PKR and rejected by the majority in the DUN, which in itself was also seen as a breach of his constitutional role.

HRH has also asserted he is not just a ceremonial head of state, implying he is not a figurehead which can simply be remote-controlled, nor one useful only for leaving his 'dhoby mark'*.

* 'dhoby' is an old British (naval) term of Indian origin which means 'laundry',  and 'dhoby mark' is an inked mark on the laundry to identify its owner. Colloquially 'dhoby mark' also means 'signature', especially one in an official document. 

What has muddied the waters (one of my fave phrases) has been the perception that Dr Wan will be a model Muslim wife who could possibly be beholden and obedient to her 'god's gift to the people' husband even in her duties as MB of Selangor.

HRH alluded to this in his wish not to have a 'remote-controlled' MB.

But the point of this post is not to revisit all those arguments, but to mull over the fact that HRH saw fit to make public statements explaining his decisions over the recent MB issue, which many constitutional experts have criticized. 

HRH needn't do so but his actions (in explaining his decisions), as I suspect, have shown him to be only human and not an aloof couldn't-be-bothered god-king figure.

Would we be correct in concluding he must have been troubled by the criticisms.

Yes, as humans we want to be liked.

What do you think? Will you be prepared to accept HRH's explanations as justified?

For a wider perspective of HRH's decisions, read also TMI's A right royal dilemma, written by Terence Fernandez.

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