Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Approval nightmare for school’s Halloween Night

Even through the event is only for students and not open to the public, school told to get approval from state education department.
Halloween school_300SEREMBAN: The Matrix International Primary School here must submit an application to the Negeri Sembilan Education Department to organise Halloween Night after a protest by Muslim non-governmental organisations.
State education director Kalsom Khalid said they would look into the application according to existing procedures.
“A discussion was held between a state education department representative and the school to avoid any issues that may arise from the event.
“However, we will not approve it if there are any problems,” she said.
Kalsom said Halloween Night was only for the school’s students and not open to the public.
The event was scheduled to be held this Friday before it became a controversy among Muslims NGOs.
On October 25, Malay daily Sinar Harian reported that Menteri Besar Mohamad Hasan had advised Muslims against taking part in the event.
The school could not be reached for comment.

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