Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bisnes 101 For Blogger UMNO : Projek "Caviar in the Rainforest" RM120 Juta Lingkup

Has the PM come back from New York? As of yesterday no one saw him in KL. He was supposed to come back on the 29th September - after NINE days in New York. Today is 2nd October 2010. If he is not back, it would be 12 days since the PM is not home. Who runs the country?

I hope everything is ok with the PM. Safe journey home Mr PM. Your place is at home.

Minyak sudah naik 20 sen. Around the world fuel prices are coming down. In Malaysia harga minyak naik. More on this later. 

Anyway, here is some news from The Star :
  • RM120mil project found to have flouted regulations and procedures
  • JERANTUT: The sturgeon fish farming project here has been put on hold 
  • Sturgeon native to  rivers, lakes and coastlines of Eurasia & North America
  • RM120mil JV between Felda Invsmnt Corp & MMC Hassed Co, South Korea.
  • found to have flouted several regulations and procedures
  • construction near Kuala Tahan without any DEIA
  • not even signboard put up at site let alone approval from Fisheries Dept
  • locals protested against project 
  • It must be located far from sensitive areas like National Park
  • DEIA should be conducted on the project first due to its location.
  • dept had not received any application to conduct studies
  • sturgeon prohibited from being imported into the country 
  • Taman Negara was an ecotourism destination 
Ok folks. The UMNO Bloggers have been going all out to hentam me and a few other "senior Bloggers" for speaking up about all the crap that is going on in the country. 

Kekawan Blogger UMNO, tak baik macam itu.  Walau apa pun, Allah swt melihat segala apa yang kita buat. Apa maksud saya?  Bagi sesiapa yang kurang faham ini ada sedikit joke, yang saya harap boleh beri sedikit pencerahan. Joke nya macam ini :

One dark nite a thief broke into a house.  
Suddenly a parrot that was sitting in a cage screeched, "Jesus, David and Abraham are watching you, Jesus, David and Abraham are watching you". 
The thief  asked the parrot, 'And what is your name?" 
The parrot replied, 'My name is Moses. My name is Moses. Jesus, David and Abraham are watching you'.
The thief said, 'What kind of stupid people would name a pet parrot after Moses?'
The parrot replied, 'The same stupid people who named their Rottweilers Jesus, David and Abraham. Jesus, David and Abraham are watching you. Jesus, David and Abraham are watching you".

Ini joke saja ok. The moral of the story is, someone is always watching what is going on.

This "Caviar in the Rainforest" is another classic example of a projek dunggu yang merugikan wang rakyat dan memiskinkan orang, terutama sekali orang Melayu.  

Hari-hari kita melihat kerajaan buat projek tak masuk akal yang membakar beratus juta atau berbeliyon Ringgit wang rakyat. 

Kemudian apabila projek dibatalkan, project promoter di bayar pampasan atau ganti rugi pula.

My question now is, since this  "Caviar in the Rainforest" project has been put on hold, how much compensation is going to be paid to the sponsors? Because this is becoming a business model by itself. 

First launch a crazy project. The project becomes controversial and has to be cancelled. The project promoters get paid compensation. Projek jalan atau tak jalan ke, orang depa dapat duit juga.

Ingat lagi kes AES? It was a dunggu project. Then after everyone began screaming about it, the project was cancelled / put on hold / KIV / dont really know the status. Then word went around that the sponsors will be paid compensation - worth hundreds of millions of Ringgit.  

Same with that crooked bridge project. Jambatan tak jadi tapi sponsor dapat pampasan beratus juta Ringgit.

Then there was Medini where the pak Arab yang tak bayar duit pun dapat untung. Yang terkini juga projek "fuel subsidy management". After the Bloggers made noise, the project sort of fizzled out. Dont know if they will claim pampasan also.

Asal projek lulus saja, depa dah jadi kaya. Tak kisah projek completed atau tak completed, projek untung atau tak untung, projek masuk akal atau tak masuk akal, projek batal atau tak batal - depa dapat duit juga.

In fact it is better if the projek terbatal. Lagi senang. Tak payah susah-susah nak jaga projek, bangun pagi pergi kerja, pergi ke kilang, pergi ke kolam ikan, pergi ke pejabat. Semua tak payah. Straight away collect pampasan atau compensation sebab projek terbatal, put on hold, KIV, etc.

So macam mana perjuangan kekawan Blogger UMNO? Atau ke mana perjuangan kekawan Blogger UMNO? 

Bolehke kita pertahankan project "Caviar in the Rainforest" yang sekarang terbatal atau KIV, melibatkan RM120 juta duit peneroka Felda? 

Here is a bit more news about this project from last year  : 

  • Felda, S.Korean firm to start RM120m sturgeon farm in Pahang 
  • JULY 16, 2013
  • South Korean co. & Felda MOU RM120 million sturgeon farm in Pahang
  • Witnessing the MOU was Najib Razak
  • "expand to surrounding Felda to create Regional Sturgeon Aquafarm," Najib said
  • boost income of 1,300 Felda settlers there
  • Felda settlers expected to generate  monthly income of RM10,000 
  • Sturgeons worth RM9,000 - RM15,000 per kilo
  • ECER Development Council & P'jaya's Biotech Corp strategic partners.
  • ECER said Jerantut & Jengka identified as locations for sturgeon
  • farm can produce 30 metric tonnes caviar, revenue of RM100 million

Projek sudah jalan. Construction sudah start. Sekarang pula projek "put on hold".  Habis berapa juta Ringgit sudah 'terbelanja' setakat ini?

Orang Pahang tak setuju projek ini. Orang Kuala Tahan bantah. DEIA tak ada. Alam Sekitar tak setuju projek ini.

Sturgeon bukan boleh hidup dengan baik dalam keadaan rainforest. Takkan polar bear boleh hidup dalam hutan Taman Negara.

I heard that the PM had said that this was a "wonderful project".  Then why is this "wonderful project" now put on hold?

Pendek kata : 1300 peneroka Felda sekarang masih status quo. Janji untuk menaikkan taraf hidup mereka dengan pendapatan tinggi RM10,000 sebulan semua omong kosong. Mereka masih miskin.  Tapi duit mereka (duit peneroka Felda) berjuta Ringgit sudah habis dalam projek yang tak masuk akal.  Boleh kekawan Blogger cuba cari pencerahan? 

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