Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Pada 15hb September 2014 laporan dari luar negara menyatakan harga minyak turun sebab permintaan yang rendah dan lembab

Hari ini 1 hb Oktober 2014 akhbar Australia melaporkan harga minyak menjunam 3.6%.

Pelik bin ajaib bin hairan .. Di Malaysia minyak RON92 dan Diesel dinaikkan 20 sen seliter mulai tengah malam ini.

Mohon penjelasan dan pencerahan mengapa ini boleh terjadi?????

15 September 2014 ....A global oil surplus is driving U.S. crude prices to fresh lows.

Benchmark U.S. oil-futures prices approached a 16-month low for the second time in three trading sessions on Monday before recovering. Oil for October delivery ended at $92.92 a barrel, down more than 13% from highs for the year hit in June.

Both U.S. and world prices have tumbled over the past few months, as weak demand and robust global production left extra crude sloshing around the market. The glut is having ripple effects in the U.S. Stockpiles in one of the nation's biggest storage hubs are rising, reinforcing the downward pressure on U.S. prices, analysts say.

"We don't have the demand, and the supplies are there," said David Leben, director of commodity derivatives at BNP Paribas BNP.FR +0.06% in New York. "There's not much of a bullish picture right now. It's going to take something relatively significant to turn this market around."

1 Oktober 2014
 ... World oil prices have slumped, with the main US contract falling 3.6 per cent due to worries about a supply glut and the strengthening US dollar.

US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for November delivery sank $US3.41 to $US91.16 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

European contract Brent oil for November delivery fell $US2.53 to $US94.67 a barrel in London.

Analysts cited concerns about oversupply following disappointing economic data from key oil-consuming regions.

The HSBC China manufacturing purchasing managers' index came in at a barely-growing 50.2, below the initial reading of 50.5.

Eurozone inflation data fell in September to the lowest level since the worst of the financial crisis, while US consumer confidence dropped sharply in September, according to the Conference Board.

"There's a pretty good cocktail of issues that are all weighing on the market," Robert Yawger, director of the futures division at Mizuho Securities USA, said.

Other factors lending downward pressure to oil included a report by Reuters projecting that OPEC oil production hit a two-year peak in September on strong output from Libya and Saudi Arabia; and a big drop in gasoline prices as a key monthly contract expired.

Analysts also cited the stronger US dollar as a factor after the euro briefly slipped below $US1.26 for the first time in two years.

The stronger greenback makes dollar-priced crude more expensive for buyers using other currencies and weighs on demand.

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