Thursday, October 2, 2014

MCMC wants sex blogger Alvin Tan’s Facebook page removed

Sex blogger Alvin Tan's page on Facebook face has allegedly violated the social networking site’s terms and conditions of service. – Facebook pic, October 2, 2014.Sex blogger Alvin Tan's page on Facebook face has allegedly violated the social networking site’s terms and conditions of service. – Facebook pic, October 2, 2014.
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has lodged a complaint with Facebook and requested that sex blogger Alvin Tan's page on the social networking site be removed, its chairman said in a Facebook posting.
Calling his page and actions distasteful, MCMC said that Tan's page should be removed as it was against Facebook's terms and conditions of service.
MCMC also issued a reminder to the public not to share sensitive content which could offend others.
"We remind the public to refrain from sharing sensitive content which may offend others," the MCMC chairman said in the post uploaded on MCMC's Facebook account yesterday.
Tan, who is facing criminal charges in Malaysia over his controversial Ramadan greeting, has been in the limelight recently after he revealed that he was seeking asylum in the United States.
The former law student at the National University of Singapore had violated his bail conditions when he was supposed to be on a working trip to Singapore and is now on Interpol's wanted list.
After lying low for a while, he recently emerged on social media to make known his plans for asylum in the US and is believed to be in Los Angeles, California.
Tan told The Malaysian Insider recently that his decision to flee his homeland was to escape the government's "tyranny" as well as the "ignorance" of ordinary Malaysians.
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar has vowed to go all out to look for Alvin despite the fact that he was in the US, promising to search every "worm hole" for the 26-year-old fugitive.
The MCMC post has garnered 310 “likes” and a few comments by social media users.
Facebook user Lee Pei Ren posted "Sokong SKMM. Bagi orang lain, Jgn kaitkan dgn kaum! Yg suka fitnah dan racist hari pembalasan menunggu di hadapan anda" (Support SKMM. As for others, do not link this to race. Those who slander and are racists, judgment day will come).
Another Facebook user Hanz Izham IV had this to say: "Puak mana yang suka sangat menghina ? Fikir-fikirkanlah" (Which clan likes to insult? Think about it).

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