Monday, December 1, 2014

HOW FAR UMNO HAS FALLEN! in the 90s, Najib spoke about 'Melayu Baru', now it's 'blogger bangang'

What defines a nation? A simple question, maybe, but then again when you are in a nation called Malaysia, its people do not seem to be the true reflection of the nation. We have mastered the art to perfection of segregating the people of Malaysia just to satisfy the cravings for political power.
We have Malays, Indians, Chinese, Kadazans, Ibans, Dayaks, Siamese and even Portugese but sadly no Malaysians. With a nation that moronically boasts of having nearly 6.5 million immigrants, legal or otherwise, we forget they are weaving their own interests, culture and economy into the Malaysian fabric that is dangerously tearing apart.
To add salt to the wound, we now have Umno that has created a far more superior “race” of Malays. The Malays of Umno seem to be more intellectual, brave, immune and have the absolute freedom and right to execute any form of action that falls under their definition of “non-seditious”.
It is fine for Umno to call other races “pendatang” and lump them in the same category as the 6.5 million immigrants after 57 years of the nation’s independence. All the contributions made to the country by the non-Malays even before independence are of no substance and value. On the contrary, the “pendatangs” should actually be thankful that they have been given some sort of papers called “citizenship” documents and that the Malays have been tolerant of their nonsense.
But the irony is that Umno now believes that due to the “pendatangs”, some Malays have become less Malay and are fast losing their Umno-Malay identity. Any Malay that questions or even raises an eyebrow for the matter in a way that does not rhyme with the Umno agenda is considered a traitor to the race. So Malaysia now has an added race called “non-Umno Malays”. Rightfully, there should be another column to signify this race in all forms filled when seeking jobs or dealing with government agencies.
And if you are Malay and shoot “friendly fire” towards Umno, you are nothing but a “bangang”. Now we have another sub-category of Malays officially called “bangang”, those who feed on Umno like leeches but still fire salvos at it. Their numbers must be significant or else they would not have been mentioned by the Umno president himself. They must have touched a raw nerve to make them worth the tongue bashing in the general assembly. Nevertheless, at least the cat is out of the bag. Umno has actually been breeding some “bangangs” that are attacking the very hands that feed them.
Well, having said that, now why are MIC and MCA which are made of “pendatangs” still clinging on to Umno? Umno even chastises the Malays that are in Umno or otherwise, imagine how they perceive the Indians, Chinese and others. The arrogance reeking out from Umno is just unbearable. The non-Malay leaders in Barisan Nasional seem to be bigger “bangangs” and seem oblivious to the writing on the wall.
Or are they “bangang bodoh”, which is superior to “bangang”? Bang them as you wish, they come back rolling just to retain their positions for self gain. An Umno delegate has even gone as far as to suggest that leaders in other parties like the MIC, MCA and Gerakan should be chosen by Umno. Umno has practically insulted the non-Malay based parties in Barisan and yet they keep their silence. It speaks volumes to the voters indeed and they will pay a heavy price in the next general election.
After all those insults and downgrading hurled toward non-Malays, Umno still believes that unity and harmony can be achieved by retaining the Sedition Act 1948, with some amendments. This must be classified as the joke of the century. The so-called National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) should just drown in shame for being ridiculed to the highest degree by the stand made by Umno. It just goes to exhibit the superior powers of Umno above all others, even an entity that the Cabinet has approved.
If NUCC members have any dignity and before they are also labelled brothers of “bangangs” in the next Umno meeting, it will be advisable that they voluntarily dissolve NUCC and save the tax payers’ money.
Well, the most important takeaway message from the Umno general assembly was that no one should question Umno, even if it is mannered in a “friendly fire” from their own. -TMI

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