Saturday, November 29, 2014

Khairy ties himself in knots over DYANA: She's a 'WOW' factor but that's 'coz she's 'diangkat' & given 'false hope'

Khairy ties himself in knots over DYANA: She's a 'WOW' factor but that's 'coz she's 'diangkat' & given 'false hope'
Citing DAP by-election candidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, the Umno Youth chief said "that chauvinistic party" gave her false hope but it was hope nonetheless.
Khairy Jamaluddin said Umno must admit that the opposition gives more opportunities to young people to become leaders.
"We have to admit that it is a 'wow' factor.
"Some ask why that candidate (Dyana) managed to pull more Malay young women to join that chauvinist party.
"The answer is simple, because she was 'diangkat' (given prominence) by that chauvinist party.
"She was given hope although the hope was false," he added. -M'kini

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