Monday, December 1, 2014

'NOBODY' DYANA TELLS 'BIG SHOT' KHAIRY: Stop living in denial, it's Umno who's giving false hope to the Malays!

'NOBODY' DYANA TELLS 'BIG SHOT' KHAIRY: Stop living in denial, it's Umno who's giving false hope to the Malays!
UMNO Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin said on Saturday that DAP had given me false hope. He also said that I was a nobody who was made a somebody by the party, and that I was not chosen because I was “great”. He ended by saying that Puteri UMNO was far greater than me.
First of all, I am flattered by all the attention given to me at the UMNO General Assembly, despite the fact that I am not as “great” as Puteri UMNO.
Secondly, I think Khairy is simply living in denial if he thinks that the DAP is a party that gives “false hope” to young aspiring politicians. If anything, DAP has been extremely consistent in recognising young talents and giving them opportunities to participate in the mainstream of politics.
For example, the MP for Kulai, Teo Nie Ching, was first elected in 2008 when she was 27 years old. At present, the two youngest MPs in Parliament are from the DAP, Steven Sim Chee Keong and Zairil Khir Johari, both aged 32. We also have a number of state assemblymen in their 20s, such as Liow Cai Tung in Johor and Christina Chew in Sarawak. Even our senior leaders such as Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and Teresa Kok had all contested when they were in their 20s.
Therefore, I fail to grasp the idea of “false hope” that the Minister of Youth and Sports is referring to. If anything, the DAP gives real opportunities to young talents who are capable and deserving. Hence, what Khairy calls “false hope” is actually true recognition by the party.
In contrast, did UMNO even field anyone under the age of 35 in the last General Election? With over 300,000 Puteri UMNO members who are supposedly greater than me, how many were actually given an opportunity to contest?
Instead of taking potshots and obsessing over DAP at their General Assembly, UMNO should instead ask themselves why they are unable to rejuvenate. Perhaps they should also be reminded of the fact that Tunku Abdul Rahman’s first Cabinet actually had a few ministers below the age of 35. What has happened to UMNO since then? The answer is obvious, none of their leaders are interested in relinquishing their grip on power.
Lastly, I would like to add that it is UMNO that has been giving false hope to the Malays by pretending to be their protector and torchbearer for over 50 years. While they claim that the survival of the Malay race is dependant on UMNO, the truth is that it is UMNO who cannot survive without the Malays and not the other way around.


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