Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Singapore wants land reclamation work stopped

The island republic needs to study all the information from Malaysia, including the Environmental Impact Assessments.
vivian balakrishnan_Singapore_300SINGAPORE: Singapore’s Minister for Environment and Water Resources Dr Vivian Balakrishnan raised his country’s concerns over Malaysia’s land reclamation projects in the Straits of Johor, Channel NewsAsia (CNA) reported.
The local television reported that the minister emphasised his concern during the 27th Annual Exchange of Visits between the environment ministries of Malaysia and Singapore.
CNA said Dr Balakishnan led a delegation to Kuala Lumpur yesterday and met Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Dr James Dawos Mamit.
At the meeting, Dr Balakrishnan reiterated Singapore’s request for such reclamation work to be suspended until Singapore had received and studied all the relevant information from Malaysia, including the Environmental Impact Assessments, and established that there would be no transboundary impact from these projects.
Dr Balakrishnan stressed that both Singapore and Malaysia were obliged under international law, in particular, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, to undertake and share Environmental Impact Assessments on all works that could have transboundary impact, before starting work.
The minister said Singapore looked forward to Malaysia’s reply to requests on the issue.

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