Wednesday, November 26, 2014

UMNO ASSEMBLY A SHAM: All non-Malay parties must leave BN or be annihilated in GE14

UMNO ASSEMBLY A SHAM: All non-Malay parties must leave BN or be annihilated in GE14
When politicians say things in Parliament, they are simply asking questions and giving answers. No matter how serious or ridiculous the scenario may be, business in the parliament is never serious and people do not take things debated in parliament seriously.
It is the outcome of the debate that really matters and normally, the government will just bulldoze through. How many times have the motions raised by the government rejected? One, two?
On the other hand, the things being said as a prelude to the Umno General Assembly and things being mentioned during the assembly should be taken seriously. But why is this so? These are the things exalted by their leaders, to ensure their survival in Umno (on the pretext of saving Umno) and they are the same politicians who sit in parliament. What are being highlighted in this assembly will be implemented by parliament!
It is obvious that the same things are being re-played and that is everything about the Malays (or rather Umno); the racial card. Of course Umno is a Malay party and they struggle for the Malays and why should they care about others anyway? After all others as some quarters in Umno claimed) are ‘pendatang’.
Now when Umno is not concern about others, why on earth MCA, MIC, Gerakan and other non-Malay parties can just sit still, listen and not feeling anything about it? Are the people in those BN component parties especially their leaders not having any mind of their own to think or simply could not care less anymore on the well being of their members and supporters and the group of people they represent?
What is the stance of the leaders of MCA, MIC, Gerakan and others?
Since Umno is so Malay-centred and indirectly blaming the other communities for the faults of the Malays and Umno, then why on earth stick obediently by Umno?
Najib as reported by the media mentioned that if "Umno loses, the Malays will be damned.” But in Malay it is quite different, "Seperti mana beliau sebut, Umno kecundang, bangsa Melayu akan dibangsatkan.” The word is "dibangsatkan", that is “be damned by”. Thus the big question is “damned by whom”? It is not difficult to understand who Najib is pointing at, if not the non-Malays!
Umno can never change. It is as racially viscous as ever. All the non-Malay parties better leave BN, let Umno be alone.
And, by the way, the Malays will not be damned because the Malays do not need Umno, it is Umno who badly needs the Malays. –TMI

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