Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Zahid, Bung bail out Najib over IS blunder

Zahid Hamidi and Bung Mokhtar tell off PAS in efforts to neutralise taunts aimed at the PM over his statement on IS in June.
zahid bung najibKUALA LUMPUR: Home Affairs Minister Zahid Hamidi and MP for Kinabatangan Bung Mokhtar both rushed to the defence of Prime Minister Najib Razak to deflect taunts by PAS over the PM’s unfortunate statements regarding Islamic State in June this year.
Things came to a head during the tabling of the white paper on IS when MP for Tumpat Kamaruddin Jaafar starting the ball rolling by reminding the House of Najib’s call to Umno members to emulate the IS spirit.
The PAS MP then rubbed salt into the wound by exclaiming that by contrast, his party’s president Hadi Awang had instead cautioned his members that they were forbidden to support IS in any way.
It was at this point that Bung Mokhtar swooped in, retorting, “The PAS president’s son-in-law Zaharuddin has publicly praised IS on social media – he was happy, excited when IS captured some towns in Iraq. Check on social media if you want.”
He also remarked sarcastically how PAS’ president was saying one thing, and his son in-law, quite another.
This silenced Kamaruddin sufficiently, giving ample time for Zahid to bring the matter up later in defence of his boss.
In his speech at the close of the session on the IS White Paper, Zahid said, “He (Najib) may have made the statement but one has to examine the context it was made in, the full sentence, not just part of it.
“He talked about ‘the spirit’…please understand the real meaning,” Zahid rebutted.

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