Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Arrest Mykad traitors, ultra Malays, Umno leaders who chase out Malaysians FIRST - Kitingan slams Najib

Arrest Mykad traitors, ultra Malays, Umno leaders who chase out M'sians FIRST - Kitingan slams Najib
Before the Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi arrest anyone connected with Sabah issues, they should first start arresting 'the traitors and culprits' behind the issuance of dubious ICs and MyKads to illegal immigrants, which is still on-going, and the insertion of illegals as voters in the electoral rolls, said Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) chief Jeffrey Kitingan.
“They should also arrest the ultra-Malays, extremists and racial bigots who are seeking to seize and trample the legitimate rights of others and even to the extent of Umno leaders chasing out Malaysians to leave the federation,” he said.
He said that they were more dangerous than East Malaysians asking for the restoration of their rights and the re-examination of the Malaysia Agreement, he said in a statement responding to the Home Minister’s threat to use the new provisions of Sedition Act.
The threats by the PM and the home minister to arrest East Malaysians who speak for the restoration of rights of the Borneo States and the review of the Malaysia Agreement will not dampen the voices and spirit of the people of the two states,
“Instead, any further harassment and continued ignoring of the rights of the Borneo states will only make their voices grow louder,” said the Bingkor assemblyperson.
Restoration of rights
He said that Sabah and Sarawak nationalists and activists were not seeking secession but restoration of the legitimate rights, privileges and autonomy of the Borneo states that were taken away or eroded since 1963.
“Of course, there was a basis that led to the formation of Malaysia and if that basis was not honoured, one of the lawful and legal recourse would be a de-merger or dissolution.
“In such an event, it is not secession,” he said.
He likened it to the claims for Malay rights in the Peninsula, he said.
He said the basis of the formation of Malaysia was with the restoration of the rights of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners to the Federation of Malaya.
“What was so wrong with seeking the return of Sabah’s oil and gas resources wrongly vested in Petronas by Abdul Razak on 26 March 1975 and the fair and equitable treatment and development of Sabah that were promised in 1963?
“Worse still are the ultra-Malays, extremists and racial bigots who are seeking to seize and trample the legitimate rights of others and even to the extent of Umno leaders chasing out Malaysians to leave the federation,” he added.
Kitingan said that there is no necessity to threaten and intimidate Sabahans to ensure Umno/Malaya’s dominance and colonization over Sabah.
“If the federal government had any decency and treat Sabahans as equal Malaysians, the proper course would have been to engage the nationalists and activists and address the grievances and injustices against the people in Sabah and Sarawak,” he pointed out. -M'kini

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