Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Did Loga Bala Mohan make a seditious remark? – Narinder Singh

The change of names of major roads in Kuala Lumpur has caused unease and dissatisfaction among many city dwellers. The Federal Territories Minister has been brought to task to justify such a move that caught many by surprise. The fundamental question is why was the change kept rather secretive if decision was made nearly a year ago?
Nevertheless, there seem to be a more baffling story behind the entire fiasco. The Deputy Federal Territories Minister, Datuk Dr Loga Bala Mohan had in the open declared that the request for name change for these major roads was done by the Conference of Rulers while his boss negated this claim.
So who is telling the truth?
There seem too much of grey area. If indeed Tengku Adnan Mansor is right, then can it be concluded that his deputy has brought the Royalty into the media and public limelight with no due cause?
Unfortunately the public has already started making unsavoury remarks about the Sultans and past Kings just because they were mentioned by Loga Bala Mohan.
In the Umno General Assembly, Umno leaders and even their president made it clear that there will be no more warning for anyone mocking the Royalties. The Sedition Act 1948 will be used without fear or favour. Now going by that, is there a remote possibility of Barisan Nasional taking stern action applying the Sedition Act against Loga Bala Mohan for dragging the Royalty into the change of names of streets in Kuala Lumpur; if indeed they were not at all involved in making the request?
It is common knowledge that the Conference of Rulers would have also consulted the Prime Minister if such were true as claimed by Loga Bala Mohan. Thus it would have only been appropriate if the announcement was made by the Prime Minister in keeping with the protocols and respect to the Rulers. Surely it would not have come from a deputy minister, far more when he is not even an Umno, MIC or MCA heavyweight.
There should not be double standards in enforcing the Sedition Act especially when it concerns the Royalty. A strong message must radiate from the government that one should be fully responsible and answerable when he quotes the Conference of Rulers collectively. Let no one set the precedence even if it is a Barisan member. Or else we may have every other minister or deputy quoting them just to escape from answering the real issues.
*Narinder Singh reads The Malaysian Insider.

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