Monday, December 29, 2014

Gerakan to PAS: Explain tsunami in Aceh after hudud

Liang Teck Meng slams Nik Mohamad Abduh for saying nation’s floods are a sign that hudud must be implemented.
Liang Teck Meng nik abduhPETALING JAYA: Gerakan Secretary- General Liang Teck Meng has condemned the remarks made by PAS’ Pasir Mas MP Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz as illogical, silly and insensitive.
In a statement Liang said, “It was hugely insensitive for Nik Mohamad Abduh to utter such statements amid the sufferings of the flood-affected rakyat.
He was referring to a statement the PAS leader made saying the flood disaster the country was facing, particularly in Kelantan, was the wrath of Allah and a heavenly sign that hudud must be implemented.
Attacking Nik Mohamad Abduh’s “silly and hugely insensitive claims” by arguing that Aceh was hit by a devastating tsunami in 2004, three years after the implementation of hudud there, Liang challenged the PAS leader, asking, “How could a natural disaster like a flood be associated with hudud?”
Describing the statement as absolutely illogical, Liang also said, “PAS must stop resorting to unscientific and illogical claims on the causes of floods to mislead voters simply because they want to implement hudud. They must stop the silly act.”
He also urged the Islamist party to own up to their mistakes in their respective states and make amends.
“PAS should stop being obsessed with hudud and engage in flood relief efforts realistically.”

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