Wednesday, December 3, 2014

True confessions of a wannabe sex slave!

New recruit for sex slavery was taught during religious class at a local university to hate infidels (non-Muslims), liberal Muslims and Muslims of different sects.
jihad isis2KUALA LUMPUR: A young Kelantanese woman, 23, was determined to go to Syria on jihad to fulfill the sexual needs of Islamic state (IS) militants there when she had a dream in which she was gang-raped.
That put paid to her plans to wage sexual jihad in Syria, reports a Malay daily, citing a video interview of the woman posted in YouTube by a local portal.
According to the interview, the woman identified only as Umairah, was set on going to Syria despite strong opposition from her parents.
Explaining why she decided to go to Syria, the second daughter of an engineer disclosed that she was convinced by promises of “paradise” painted during a religious class at a local university.
Among preparations she made for the trip were going through a guide on taking care of the sexual needs of five Muslim militants at a time, and taking care of their eating, and dressing.
“Up until that point (of the dream), I still agreed because I wanted heaven. I told my parents and of course they were very angry. But I had already promised to jihad, so I didn’t care about their opposition. All I knew was that I wanted to go to Syria,” she said.
“But on the last night in Malaysia, I dreamt of being gang-raped. Very torturous. Only God knows.”
After she was raped (in the dream), she continued, her mother appeared and wrapped her in white cloth and put a black veil on her.
Umairah, recalling her religious class, said a man in the class had preached to her that sexual jihad was a new method to wipe out past sins to enter heaven.
During the class, she was also taught to hate infidels (non-Muslims), liberal Muslims and Muslims of different sects.
She was also given jihad literature, also available online, from Syria and Indonesia.
The White Paper on the IS threat, presented by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in Parliament last week, disclosed that 39 Malaysians are in Syria, 17 of them signing up with IS while another 22 are with Ajnad al-Sham, another militant group.

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