Sunday, February 1, 2015

AND FOR HIM, ALTANTUYA DIED: Razak Baginda - hurtful & arrogant but pride comes before a fall!

AND FOR HIM, ALTANTUYA DIED: Razak Baginda - hurtful & arrogant but pride comes before a fall!
As the public were still wrestling with the final court verdict on the Altantuya Shariibuu murder, here comes Razak Baginda with guns trained on Malaysians.
His sudden re-appearing thorough a media interview, has now added to the embarrrassment, pain and curiosity of the Malaysian public.
Going by the neitzens' overwhelming comments and statements, certainly Razak Baginda is being considered as not only being recklessly hurtful but arrogant too despite having this murder-millstone on his neck.
For one, he now smears the police image by slamming the two convicted murderers as “rogue police”. Surely our IGP must take issue with this slant by Razak Baginda or else he is not doing justice to all the men and women in blue.
If carefully and stringently selected and highly trained commandos can turn as “rogue” cops, is it not an insult to the credibility and capability of all those superiors in the ranks who would have executed their duties with utmost care?
If such carefully deployed personal bodyguards of VVIPs can be reduced to being “rogue police”, how can the public then trust the entire police force of ordinary cops?
Secondly, Razak Baginda accuses Malaysians of a “herd mentality” behavior. He alludes to the conspiracies bobbling up and swirling around this grisly mother of all murders.
And to rub salt into the wounds inflicted on the Malaysian public – including the media, Razak Baginda concludes that this world unprecedented murder was merely a “straightforward murder”.
Now that puts even the judiciary in bad light does it not? People are asking Razak Baginda then why did the courts take almost nine years to plug this “straightforward murder” case? The courts must be darn dumb then, if we are to believe you Razak Baginda.
Thirdly, Razak Baginda wished that the public would focus on him “rather than Najib” our Prime Minister. And he claimed, “You know it is my story”.
Of course it is your story. Nobody said it is Najib’s story. If not for you and your cheating, filthy affair with this Mongolian girl, Malaysia would be spared of this ugly embarrassing episode that has exposed and made the police, the judiciary, the government and all Malaysians so vulnerable to the eyes of the global society that spot-lighted on Malaysia incessantly.
And it is because of that relationship and service you provided our then PM-to-Be that inevitably led the Malaysian public to ask if there was any connection between you, the girl and the PM-to-be.
And that too, after hearing all that transpired during the entire court proceedings.
Razak Baginda
You demand for “evidence” from the “conspiring” Malaysians. And you accuse us of having a "herd mentality". But can you give this “herd mentality” (or plainly put ‘kerbau’) Malaysian public, evidence on why we should believe you now?
Why are you so ‘kurang ajar’ – that seems to be the underlying question behind every sentence pouring into the cyberworld as netizens react to your press interview.
Fourthly, you have made Malaysians into seeming fools by alluding to “dracula, vampire (and) werewolf”.
And in doing so, you now have painted an even more gruesome picture of yourself and for which Malaysians will now start asking even louder, “How come the courts set you a free man”.
Razak Baginda, actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea (an act does not make a person guilty unless their mind is also guilty).
If the netizens are now pouring out their reactions to your statements published in the media from your most recent interview, it is because you have now allowed them to see into your mind.
That is conspiracy?
Please Razak Baginda, stop blaming Malaysians. Stop imagining conspiracies. It all began with your sordid love affair with another woman while you still had a legitimate wife and daughter right? It became worse when you tried to wriggle out of the subsequent blackmails right?
And the “blackmails” was on you and not the nation or on the PM-to-be, right?
So stop lambasting and insulting Malaysians of being “rogue cops”, “herd mentality”, chasing after “conspiracies”, delaying courts, and selling us stories about “dracula, vampire and werewolf” please. - MAILBAG

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