Sunday, February 1, 2015

Anwar pleads: Stop bickering, let’s talk

With sodomy appeal verdict looming, opposition leader makes an appeal for coalition party leaders to hold a meeting.
pas_dap_pkr_anwar_300_1KUALA LUMPUR: Oppostion leader Anwar Ibrahim has made an appeal to Pakatan Rakyat partners DAP and PAS to stop their squabbling, and to have a meeting of party heads before February 10, when the Federal Court delivers its judgement on Anwar’s appeal against conviction for sodomy.
He appealed to all Pakatan Rakyat parties to come together for discussions. “I appeal to them, be patient and bring all disputes to the discussion table. We ought to meet before February 10,” he said.
The constant sniping between the DAP and PAS have stymied plans for a Pakatan summit, with PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang being blamed in some reports for being the stumbling block. The Pakatan leadership council has reportedly not met in more than six months.
In an apparent reference to this, Anwar was quoted as saying:: “Unfortunately, we still don’t have an agreement on the date”, according to the Malaysian Insider reporting from an international youth conference at which Anwar spoke today.
The DAP have continued their long-standing opposition to PAS’s plans for hudud Islamic criminal punishment, and in apparent retaliation, Hadi has come out strongly against a DAP campaign to restore local government elections.
On the PAS plan for hudud in Kelantan, Anwar said Pakatan Rakyat had still not seen a draft of the Bill that the PAS-led state government wanted to enact and seek approval of in Parliament.
“I have not received anything. We have asked the state government to submit a draft of the enactment so that we can discuss it together. I have not seen it so I cannot comment further. But in principle, our priorities are to ensure justice and peace, to stop the flames of communalism and to restore the independence of the judiciary,” he said.
A special sitting of the Kelantan assembly, scheduled for December 29, was postponed indefinitely when the east coast states suffered severe monsoon flooding.

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