Sunday, February 1, 2015

ANY COP WORTH HIS SALT WOULD ASK: But did our IGP ever ask duo why they killed Altantuya?

 ANY COP WORTH HIS SALT WOULD ASK: But did our IGP ever ask duo why they killed Altantuya?
'You will never know the motive because you dare not ask.'
Lord Denning: Inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar, isn't it the PDRM's (Royal Malaysian Police) job to establish a working motive for the murder by the two policemen in the course of their investigation?
Police commandos Sirul Azhar Umar and Azilah Hadri did not know the victim, Altantuya Shaariibuu, and have no logical motive or otherwise reasonable cause for committing her murder, like being drunk and in control of a firearm, being mentally unstable or exhibiting prior psychopathic tendencies.
So why would they want her dead? Haven't you wondered or did your boys not get the answers during the investigation?
Middle Path: As IGP and the police, isn't it important for the motive of a crime to be ascertained in any part of your investigation before charging the suspects? It’s very, very odd for a police officer, especially a IGP, to state that.
Slumdog: Khalid’s comments are staggering. He doesn’t know why the "rogue" policemen killed Altantuya, really? Did anybody think of asking them?
I know how difficult it is to find out the reasons when the defence and prosecution work in collusion to not ask the question why and who ordered her murder.
Then you have the judge stating that it was not important to the case to establish the motive for the murder.
This whole sham episode is one of the blight in the Malaysian justice system with lies, cover-ups, dishonesty and political interference, that it is no surprise that the reasons for Altantuya’s murder were never established.
Wg321: In his confession to the police in the form of a caution statement, Sirul Azhar Umar told the interrogating officer that he was offered RM50,000 to RM100,000 to kill Altantuya.
So the next logical question the interrogating officer should ask Sirul is "who offered you this money" but this crucial question was not asked.
So besides the prosecutor, the defence and the judge, it appeared that the police also play a role in the cover-up in protecting the real murderer. In fact, Sirul's confession was ignored by the prosecutor, the defence and the judge.
Since he cannot get justice in the Malaysian court, I hope he can get real justice from the Australian court. Sirul only deserved a lesser sentence instead of the death penalty.
Samurai: I find it more than mildly disturbing that the police chief, of all people, finds no need to establish why two of his law enforcement officers, who are tasked with protecting peoples' lives, had committed murder, and would blithely accept the fact without question.
Any wonder why Malaysians don't feel safe anymore.
IGP Khalid
Anonymous #19098644: These two convicted murderers who kidnapped, shot, killed and blew up an allegedly pregnant Mongolian woman are specially trained and vetted Special Action Unit police assigned to cover the most important VVIPs, for example the prime minister.
They are trained to sacrifice themselves to protect them. They are trained to take instructions and orders. They have no symptoms of any type of mental instability. So whose orders did they take?
Who benefits from killing and blowing up an allegedly pregnant Mongolian woman? Who has the motive? Even a child is not so idiotic to believe that these two 'black sheep' acted on their own.
Has justice been done? Has the person who allegedly issued the instructions to kill and blow up the woman been brought to justice? Please stop treating the rakyat like idiots.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Abdul Razak Baginda has suddenly become the mouse that roars. Why stay in England and make these comments? Return to Malaysia and vindicate yourself if you think that public perception is wrong.
Ask anybody in the police force in private and they will swear that Sirul and Azilah Hadri did not go on a frolic of their own to kill Altantuya with C4 explosives but rather were told to do so by very powerful individuals.
If the duo were only told to deal with the problem since Altantuya had been harassing Abdul Razak for money or other favours, why kill her when all they could have done was to warn her or get her deported out of the country?
Why was her immigration records deleted? During the trial, why did the prosecution and defence object to any question that touched on a political conspiracy, which the judge dutifully disallowed?
Abasir: More termites are emerging from the rotten woodwork. Someone has been knocking on wood for luck and see what happens?
When will these people realise that it ain't over till the first fat lady sings or squeals? And since that's not likely anytime soon, the saga continues, like a mega serial with revelations coming in instalments.
We look forward to the next season when the Bar Council reveals the findings of its inquiries into the false statutory declaration (SD) prepared by a lawyer allegedly at the behest of the principal character(s).
Till then, the "who ordered the killing" question will remain but only on every decent Malaysian's lips.
Senior: “We will never know...,” said Khalid.
The “we” here refers to ordinary rakyat like you and I, but there are those who know, and will see to it that we will never know. Unless Sirul sings.
Tulan: IGP, you will never know because you dare not ask. Is that a fair conclusion? - Mkini

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