Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Selangor palace should put Isma in its place

YOURSAY ‘We should not let Isma create a Berlin Wall in Malaysia.’

'Isma, don't use palace to badger minorities'

Ratbatblue: Now is the time for the parties that matter to come out with key statements regarding this NGO's seemingly seditious remarks.

The Selangor sultan should put these people in their place with a statement that his royal highness is quite comfortable with the temple (I am sure he is, otherwise there would be earlier objections from the palace) and that the Hindus are his rakyat, too, and that as the head of (mainstream) Islam, he has a duty to protect their right to worship their own religion.

The police should also issue a stern warning to this NGO that their statements could be considered seditious. But alas, this sadly will not be forthcoming, so these people will continue their minority-bashing unabated.

There is no commitment from Malay moderates to come out strongly against these types of incidences. As such these NGOs are emboldened.

They (the moderates) have to ask themselves, is this what their religion teaches them, that the mere presence of a temple would have such an impact on the country, the royalty and their religious beliefs?

Jiminy Qrikert: What can anyone expect of Isma, an NGO established to champion the supremacy of Malays and Muslims over the other races, when Abdul Hadi Awang and his inner circle of ulama in PAS take the exact same path as Isma in pursuit of their unholy vision?

Today Isma attacks Hindus and temples while PAS attacks Chinese and DAP. Tomorrow, they may switch roles.

What will stop Hadi from extending his racist rants to include Indians since he has chosen to use lies and twisted logic in his threat of May 13 racial riots against Chinese taking the leadership initiative in local governance?

If supposedly godly ulamas resort to racism and bigotry to feed their supremacist tendencies what more can be expected of idiots like Isma?

Anonymous #559621516: We should not let Isma create a Berlin Wall in Malaysia. The recent floods showed how Malaysians of all races cared for one another and helped one another.

We have co-existed since the time of Yap Ah Loy (said to be a founder of Kuala Lumpur). What is Isma, born yesterday, trying to do?

Anak, Bangsa, Malaysia: This group of people has not gone to proper school for a good and sound education, and that is why they talk in such a manner. The inspector-general of police (IGP) and attorney-general (AG) must step in to arrest them.

If the palace feels that its image is tarnished then let the palace speak up. There is no need for Isma or Perkasa to speak on the palace’s behalf.

Hang Tuah PJ: Everyone knows the true intentions of Isma and Perkasa. They declare themselves as Muslims but I am not too sure whether they are aware that Allah swt can read into their hearts, in Bahasa Malaysia we say, their ‘niat’.

Let them be. They will face the wrath of Allah swt one day, including those who collude with them.

MinahBulat: I think since it involves the Sultan of Selangor, perhaps His Majesty would care to come out with some clarification.

The palace should make a statement whether the renovation of the Shri Sundaraja Perumal Temple will make Klang a Hindu or Indian district and tarnishes the royal town’s image?

Baiyuensheng: Every time they use the palace’s name without the permission of the palace, they are disrespecting the sultan and the royal institutions.

Inevitably, it will tarnish and stain the royal families. These people should be banished by the sultan from Selangor.

Thana55: How can they afford Isma TV? There are unseen hands (you know who) who are mercenaries, charged with continuously stirring up racial sentiments.

Our Malay brothers and sisters will never venture to disturb the peace and harmony amongst the races. The criminals must be revealed and shamed.

KayL: It could be that some benefactors are giving orders to the simple-minded Malays to ramp up provocation on the minorities. In monkey land, the most uncivilised will be rewarded.

2Kali5: Go to Paris and they will see the awesome Blue Mosquein the heart of the city, and mind you, it was actually built by the French government for the Muslims who fought for France during World War 1.

Swipenter: Isma and the likes of them have nothing much up there but plenty of hatred, bigotry and jealousies in their hearts.
They are unable to engage others in any dialogue meaningfully, intelligently and intellectually, ranging from our history to our federal constitution.

The best they can do is to seek immunity under the 3Rs (race, religion and royalty) and stop others from questioning their real motives for the hate speeches they vomit out on a regular basis.

Apapunboleh: Isma will bait us with the issue of royalty. If you disagree, Isma will claim it as an insult. -Mkini

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