Friday, January 2, 2015


This view was also sent to me by someone. Thank you Accasia (?)  My comments follow.

UMNO's survival depends on creating bogeymen and causing fear of ghosts where none exist. Thus the need to instill fear in the Malays against the Chinese, Christians, Liberals, Gay and Lesbian, Ultraman and anyone else needed to be added whenever proposed by Perkasa, Isma and other like minded ideological affiliates.

Really ? Now, let's see who could be a greater danger to the Malays. 

How about the Muslim deviant groups ? In Jakim's website no less than 50 deviant groups are listed. Add to these A list are the regular expose' in the newspapers of new deviant groups. Now, just say, each of this 50 deviant groups have about 1,000 followers and supporters. Then, there are no less than 50,000 Malays in the clutches of these deviant charlatans.

Then, you have the Malay Shiahs. I think it must be a real concern to UMNO. Already mosques are holding talks like "Bahaya Shiah Kepada Islam". Some have estimated them to be between 60,000 to 300,000 followers. 

Another connected danger is that there are some 15,000 Iranians already residing in Malaysia and it would seem that all are staying in Bukit Bintang. Well at least that's their hangout it would seem. So, these Iranians propagating their Shiahism and  many Malays already following Shiahism instead of Sunni school, a dangerous cocktail is being brewed. But to UMNO its not the Shiahs who are the greater danger.

Oh yes, how can we forget the ISIL's murderous jihadists. It seems that they have found a following here with many Malays going to Syria to join in the turkey shoot enroute to the afterworld. Of course,  the promise of 72 virgins is a proposition which is difficult to resist for some. 

It is said that even some young impressionable Malay woman have gone to Syria to provide conjungal delights to the war weary murderers. Now the government is so concerned that there is a White Paper being tabled in parliament. So, the government surely must be worried about Malays going astray.

Added to all these issues, are the regulàr mat-rempits, bohsias, incest (sumbang mahram), abandoned babies and thrown away foetuses, druggies, school dropouts and recalcitrant husbands who have abandoned their wife and children in pursuit of "buka cawangan baru". Surely all these social problems are not ochestrated by  Christians or Ultraman and neither are they created by Benjamin Nethanhahu or George Soros.  

But for UMNO (and many Malays) all these problems are nothing compared by the imaginary monsters. 

These are the real problems and dangers facing the Malays which UMNO should rightfully face up and address but instead  UMNO diverts the attention and creates imaginary enemies and unseen ghosts. Sadly for some, they end up believing.

My comments : There is another reason for the need to create so many monsters. Because stealing is going on. Divert the attention of the people with really stupid and nonsensical issues to divert their attention away from the stealing that is going on. 

Public funds in the billions are being dished out, paid under the table, overpaid over the table, to family, cronies and friends of the powerful.  To keep people from realising this too much, just create boogeymen here and there. Divert their attention.  Then the stealing can go on unimpeded.

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