Wednesday, January 28, 2015

WE NOT EXTREMIST: Say sorry or we sue - Isma tells Eric Paulsen

WE NOT EXTREMIST: Say sorry or we sue - Isma tells Eric Paulsen
KUALA LUMPUR - Ikatan Muslim Malaysia (isma) is set to sue Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) executive director Eric Paulsen over one his tweets against them earlier this month.
“We have received the letter of demand and will respond in due course,” said Paulsen in a message to The Rakyat Post.
The issue is regarding a tweet Paulsen made on Jan 8 while commenting on Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein’s comment that a Charlie Hebdo like attack was possible in Malaysia.
“Yes, if Govt continues to support or close an eye to extremist groups like Isma & Perkasa,” Paulsen had remarked.
According to Isma’s website, it had sent a letter to Paulsen on Jan 22, demanding that he make a public apology to Isma within seven days or face legal action.

Isma, through its lawyer Aidil Khalid, said the accusation, if read in the context of the article on the terror attack in Paris, painted an image of Isma as a group of extremist militants with a tendency towards becoming terrorists.
They also claimed that it hinted that Isma was in support of the attack on Charlie Hebdo, which was why the accusation was wrong, untrue and could damage Isma’s reputation.
This comes after Paulsen was hauled up and remanded for tweeting against the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) earlier this month. -

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