Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I Told You So : UMNO Masuk PAS

Image result for UMNO and PAS

PAS-Umno union best bet next polls, ex-minister says

Former minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim claims that public sentiments are wearing thin on the ‘facade of unity’ put up by Pakatan Rakyat, especially with PAS seen as constantly at odds with coalition partners DAP and PKR on major policy issues. 
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 24 ― It would be best for arch-rivals PAS and Umno to agree to calls to form a unity government.. Datuk Zaid Ibrahim said today.

“If PasMa cannot take over PAS in June, then it's game over for Pakatan,” he added, referring to a PAS splinter organisation and the Islamist party's highly anticipated party polls later this year.

PasMa, formed just last year was set up to pressure PAS to focus on improving ties with its PR partners amid growing acrimony over hudud implementation and last year's long-drawn Selangor mentri besar crisis.

Zaid tweeted that the PAS-Umno unity government “should be formed immediately”

only way PAS members who signed with PasMa can “free themselves ..”.

Zaid, noted a PAS-Umno union would likely lead to a breakup in PAS, not unlike Umno in 1987 

“A PAS-Umno union will lead to (a) PAS breakup like Umno's Team A and B in 1987

Zaid, warned opposition it must wean itself rely on individual leaders to keep them together and focus instead on good causes that will benefit the country and its people, especially the poor.

“They must be able to move away from Anwar... but i doubt they can,” he said

Talk of a PAS-Umno unity government resurfaced last Sunday, after former Chief Justice Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad told PAS to join Barisan Nasional should the ruling coalition lose the next general election, in order to protect Malay interests and the position of Islam.
- See more at:

My comments : I told you so.  Didnt I say this just a few weeks ago. 

UMNO will masuk PAS. 

There is a much easier, third option for the BN. Get rid of the party leader. 

Get a new UMNO president and a new PM. Tell Najib to take a hike. 

That is what all these people are saying. 

Why does former Chief Justice Tun Abdul Hamid feel that the BN will lose the next GE? Because of Najib's incompetence.

Why does Zaid Ibrahim reccomend that an UMNO-PAS unity government should be formed immediately? Because he knows that the BN will lose the next GE. 

Why does he feel that way? Because of Najib's incompetence.

That is what these folks are really saying. 

Najib is incompetent. 

UMNO does not have the guts to tell their president to take a hike.

So in typical UMNO style, they are going around their head to touch their noses. 

Form unity gomen between UMNO-PAS and dont know what else.

The easiest solution, the cheapest solution and the most effective solution is get a new president and a new PM.

Look at what is happening to the Malays, Malay society and the Malay economy. 

One MILLION (mostly Malays) have applied for 10,000 positions in the Police force.

Maybe in another few years, TWO MILLION mostly Malays will apply to join the Police.

One MILLION may apply to join the Bomba.

HALF a million may apply to join Pos Malaysia.

Just wait and see.

The Malay economy is going down. The country's economy is going down.

And if UMNO and PAS form a coalition, I think TWO MILLION mostly Malays will be lining up to join the DBKL. 

Just wait and see.

Najib as PM is akin to a "suicide option" - for the entire country.

Just replace Mr Clueless.  That is the easier option. 

We will take our chances.  Why commit suicide.

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