Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Kula tells Umno to stay away from MIC

MIC will never regain respect among Indians with an Umno-appointed puppet President and constant interference.
MP-M-Kula-SegaranKUALA LUMPUR: Ipoh Barat MP M. Kulasegaran, coming to the defence of MIC, reminded Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin in particular that since the party claims to represent the Indian community, it should be allowed to resolve its internal problems in any manner it sees fit. Otherwise, he warned, it would never have the respect of the Indians it’s trying to woo.
He was commenting on Muhyiddin’s unusually tough language when taking issue with the MIC referring its differences with the Registrar of Societies (RoS) to Court by way of a Judicial Review.
Muhyiddin, in a veiled threat, warned MIC that it has only itself to blame if it gets into deeper trouble. He did not elaborate.
“Since Muhyiddin has said that Barisan Nasional will only advice, there is no reason for him to be upset and angry if his or BN’s advice is not accepted. Otherwise, that is not advice anymore,” said Kula. “Muhyiddin has to realize and accept the fact that the MIC leaders and members have the right to resolve their own problems the way they see fit.”
Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi received bouquets and brickbats at the same time from Kula for casting doubts on the MIC’s ability to help the Indian community when “it’s unable to solve its own problems”.
“Zahid was right. He must also realize at the same time that MIC can’t champion the Indian community with Umno interfering in the internal affairs of the party and giving it so-called advice,” said Kula. “Umno must not be seen as trying to rescue MIC.”
Kula cited a recent example of Umno’s interference in MIC.
The Ipoh Barat MP, referring to a statement by MIC vice-president M. Saravanan, expressed shock that current MIC president G. Palanivel was in fact the choice of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and not party members.
“So the truth is out. MIC has a puppet President who is the weakest among all its former Presidents,” said Kula.
“I also wish to remind MIC that decades of the BN government’s failed and unfair policies have resulted in the Indian community being marginalized.”

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