Wednesday, February 25, 2015

NAJIB SHIVERS: Is Anwar's 'Royal Pardon' part of emergency plan against Dr M, Daim

NAJIB SHIVERS: Is Anwar's 'Royal Pardon' part of emergency plan against Dr M, Daim
As the President or Prime Minister of a country, that person must be focused on the betterment of every aspect of the country, from social, economic, trade, education, law and order, healthcare, art and culture, infra-structure, morality and politics.
The Prime Minister cannot deviate his focus away from all these hence even his personal and family matters have to be secondary.
The only exception that needs immediate attention would be in times of disasters and calamities.
Unfortunately in the case of Datuk Seri Najib Razak, he has never really focused for the betterment of those aspects mentioned above. It was more like touch and go, practically leaving the system to run on auto-pilot and remote control. He entrust people to run the show for him.
Thus as a result Najib has done nothing that really has a lasting impact. Most of the things he had done either fizzled out sooner than expected, he flip-flopped, backfired or failed disastrously.
Malaysia run by 'errand boys'
The main reasons for these debacles and failures are due to bad planning, not thought out thoroughly, incompetency, lacking fore-sight and plain foolishness. The people he entrusted are either crooks or incompetent! And his team of highly paid expert advisors actually consists of idiots.
And all these failures are coming back hitting him hard, at the most critical time when Najib needs to focus on his political survival. Indeed, Najib is in deep trouble and he is practically alone. Whoever that still support him are of not much help simply because they are just errand boys.
Najib and controversial wife Rosmah at yet another glitzy event
The 1MDB failures, the FGV shares going down, the controversial Sodomy II verdict are just a few of the things hitting him.
Najib is also facing the attacks from Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and the Altantuya murder is catching up on him.
Even his brothers are upset with him
To make things worse, his sibling are also vocal in reprimanding him and his wife openly. It is not a secret anymore that his siblings are not at good terms with Najib and his wife. They also prefer to distance themselves from him, mostly because of Rosmah.
Whatever move that Najib is making now is inconsistent and at times incoherent. It is as him he has out-maneuvered himself!
Why would Najib let his supporters counter attack Mahathir-Daim- A.Kadir Jasin? This would only make them angrier and more determined to kick him (Najib) out!
Sirul, Anwar & now royal pardon
Why would he let Sirul fled to Australia? How could Sirul get out of this country unnoticed? With Sirul in Australia, he is now difficult to control. Since everything could be spilled out by Sirul anything can happen now.
Why would Najib want to be associated with PAS? Since PAS only wants Hudud Law to be implemented, the non-Malay BN component parties would not feel comfortable. They would be sidelined. This is bad for the morale of these parties to still remain with BN.
Why would Najib let Anwar be jailed? Najib must have known that the guilty verdict would be very controversial since the circumstances of the Sodomy II case are questionable. For sure, the case against Anwar was anything but water-tight.
The need for the road show to explain the verdict proves that it is so. The verdict also reverberated badly at the international level.
PM's job requires more than ribbon-cutting & fancy overseas tours
So why would Najib now let Anwar seek the pardon from the Agong?
Anwar must have the indication that his seeking for the pardon would have a positive response, if not he would not dare to do so because if the response were to be negative, it would be a double blow to him.
But above all, why has Najib still refused to see Dr. Mahathir and sort things out, compromise a bit, try to achieve a win-win situation?
Could it be that is actuallyy the hardest thing to do, because despite what has been said about predecessor Abdullah Badawi's incompetency, unlike Pak Lah, Najib is not a push over.
See, Rosmah will not let him give up easily! - MAILBAG

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