Wednesday, February 25, 2015

True to form, DPM backs ‘sex’ roadshows

YOURSAY ‘Do you know who those in the audience were? Young people.’

DPM: Umno okay with ‘smart Shafee’ roadshow
Louis: Muhyiddin Yassin, your statement condoning lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah's roadshow to describe lurid details of anal intercourse is unbecoming of a deputy prime minister.

Do you know who those in the audience were? Young people.

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim is in jail and totally defenceless, yet Shafee finds it right to go on hammering him. Only cowards do this. Shame on you Muhyiddin and Shafee.

Yes, Muhyiddin, you need to be told as crudely as I possibly can - I do not have any respect for you.

By the way, I have a proposal for you. Ask Shafee to conduct a session for all the ministers' wives.

Mohican: True to its character, Umno is okay with sleazy, erotic and gutter roadshows such as these. What do decent Malaysians expect from these low-down individuals?

Avatar 111: What kind of mentality does our DPM have? After successfully putting a person, a political enemy, behind bars and one continues to run down the said person behind closed doors without him able to defend himself.

Beware of the laws of karma - you shall reap what you sow and you may even bear the consequences long after you leave this world.

Haveagreatday: Whether or not Shafee is smart is immaterial, but the immorality of him divulging information given in camera from Anwar’s sodomy trial is obvious.

That the DPM chooses to ignore this aspect of 'smart' Shafee's roadshows show his lack of moral standing as well.

Sinan Belawan: This is a decaying nation with rotten leaders. When a deputy prime minister supports a public prosecutor to go on a roadshow to divulge lurid details from in camera court hearings, it’s an abuse of power and reveals a judicial system controlled by a political party.

There is not a whimper from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) or from the top men and women in the judicial system. All the institutions to uphold integrity are collapsing. God save us from this rot.

Malaysia Truly Asia: One Umno so-called "leader" andMalaysiakini puts it as if Umno leadership not happy. Now Muhyiddin has put it to rest, Shafee has every right to attend any invitation to roadshows.
Anyone who thinks he is wrong should request that they go up against him to prove him wrong.

Commentable: Going by Muhyiddin’s logic, does it mean that one can go around on a roadshow to highlight a court case if:

1) the speaker is a smart man; and

2) he is in demand?

So I suppose Umno has no problem if anyone wants to invite "smart" lawyers from the defendant's side to go on the roadshows to speak on their role as defence lawyers in the Sodomy II trial?

Senior: Deputy prime minister, what would you do if all deputy public prosecutors in the Attorney-General’s Chambers go on roadshows to talk about their case?

Shafee was hired by the government to be prosecutor in the sodomy trial, and now he goes around the nation talking about this case.

Of course, Umno has no problems with that, but would you let a government employee talk about his work in the same way?

Anonymous #81405125: Our smart government and ministers say it is okay to hold the roadshow so next time, Malaysian lawyers, please start a roadshow after you have won a court case. It will help promote your career.

No ethics, no dignity, no shame, but shame on me for being part of this ‘smart’ country.

Casey: To paraphrase American writer Annie Dillard: "Shafee's work is to keep cranking the flywheel that turns the gears that spin the belt in the engine of belief."

But the more he spins, the more it appears to the fair minded person that Federal Court's verdict was indeed a travesty of justice - an act of the legal system that is an insult to the system of justice and the basic rule of natural justice.

The basic rule of natural justice is that nobody may be a judge in his own case. Any person that makes a judicial decision - and this includes a public prosecutor - must not have any personal interest in the outcome of the decision.

If such interest is present, the decision maker must be disqualified even if no actual bias can be shown.

In fact, at law and in equity, the test as to whether the decision should be set aside is whether there is a "real possibility of bias" as established in Gough v Chief Constable of the Derbyshire Constabulary [2001].

In Anwar's case, it is extremely difficult to convince the fair-minded public that the prosecutor and the judges are not biased, however Shafee spins. -Mkini

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