Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Alamak ! Police Fail To Get Remand Order Pula.

Do read my comments at the end. This is from the Malay Mail here (yesterday's news):

"The trio arrested earlier will be released at 7pm today after police failed to secure a remand order to detain them further.."

Umno MP: Putrajaya may face backlash over perceived ‘excessive’ actions on TMI editors 
Tuesday March 31, 2015

Nur Jazlan pointed out that there was a difference between writing with the intention to incite others to do wrongful acts and making mistakes in news reports

KUALA LUMPUR, March 31 — The federal government may face a backlash from the perceived "excessive" arrests and sedition probe of news portal The Malaysian Insider's (TMI) editors, Umno MP Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed said today.

Nur Jazlan said he believed TMI's report was just an "honest mistake" that could have been dealt with a defamation suit by the Conference of Rulers, instead of a sedition probe.

"If the public thinks this arrest shouldn't have been done because of the mistake in the story that could have been dealt with other laws, then there will be a negative perception on government," the Pulai MP told reporters in Parliament when asked if the arrests were meant to intimidate journalists.

"But for editors of Insider to be hauled in, arrested and put in jail for a story which I think is an error, I think that may be perceived as excessive by the people and may have a backlash on the government in the longer-term," said Nur Jazlan

Nur Jazlan said he believed the Sedition Act should not have been used against the news outlet’s editors, saying: “This one I think is a mistake, shouldn’t be under the Sedition Act.”

“In my opinion, it was just an honest mistake,” he added.

"The laws are in place, you don't have to use Sedition Act for everything. You have to look at the context of the issue first before you use the law," he said.

TMI’s editors Lionel Morais, Zulkifli Sulong and Amin Iskandar were arrested last night ...over a recent article linking the controversial hudud issue to the Conference of Rulers.

The news portal’s chief executive Jahabar Sadiq and Ho Kay Tat, the group chief executive officer (CEO) of The Edge Media Group that owns TMI, were arrested this morning ..

The trio arrested earlier will be released at 7pm today after police failed to secure a remand order to detain them further, while the latter two are expected to spend the night in police lock-up before being brought to court tomorrow for a remand hearing.

Besides the five, Universiti Malaya lecturer Khoo Ying Hooi, who has a column in TMI, is also being investigated under Section 500 of the Penal Code for criminal defamation over her article titled “Who owns the police?”

- See more at:

My comments :  Well, well..TMI and The Edge are all owned by Tong Kooi Ong. What a coincidence.  Tong Kooi Ong has also been in the news over all those exposes about  the 1 Malaysia debt bomb. [By the way things have gone quiet over the issue. Even OutSyed The Box has little to say :))  ]

The Police failed to extend the remand order or get a remand order for those three guys arrested earlier?? That is what Malay Mail says. 

Malulah macam ini.  If you cannot even get a remand order from the Court it means the Courts have already thrown the case out the window. 

Habis macam mana kes boleh jalan Tuan? Bikin malu saja.

What is more important here are Nur Jazlan's comments. Nur Jazlan is the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee.  An UMNO MP to boot.  Nur Jazlan said :

"Nur Jazlan said he believed the Sedition Act should not have been used against the news outlet’s editors, saying: “This one I think is a mistake, shouldn’t be under the Sedition Act.”

These are serious words coming from a public official. It is another case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing.

Like the taxi fares going up.  SPAD said taxi fares will go up. Then the Cabinet said 'No, taxi fares should not go up', making the SPAD look like fools.

Then the SPAD CEO retorted. 'do you think we are some kind of morons to allow the taxi fares to go up without getting the gomen's approval first?" (or words to that effect). 

The gomen kept quiet. The taxi drivers said to hell with the gomen, we are raising the fares anyway. Just yesterday a friend said that now an RM7 taxi fare has become RM12.  The people are suffering.

So what happened to the Cabinet's decision that the taxi fares should not be raised? 

The Prepaid UMNO Bloggers say there is no one else on the planet earth to replace Najib Tun Razak. Really? So who is running the gomen?

I had dinner recently with CEO types (GLC lah).  These are (or were) solid UMNO and BN supporters. Now they are saying 'What is going on in the country? If you open your mouth a little bit they arrest you'.

They were referring to all these arrests. Bukan kita setuju dengan Rafizi kah, Nurul Izzah ke but why arrest them or charge them in Court?

Then the Court refuses to give a remand order to detain some of these people, the Chairman of the PAC publicly disagrees with arresting these people etc. Buat malu saja.  Kelam kabut style of management.  So which irreplaceable person is running the gomen?

But here is something more nefarious. The irreplaceable Prime Minister does not know what is going on. But all these flip flopping, back pedalling, unpopular actions etc are exacting a cost on his popularity. 

All this is embarrassing and very damaging to his image.  

Now here is the soalan cepu mas : Who benefits most when the PM suffers such embarrassment?  Bukan Dr  Mahathir.  Some thinking is required. 

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