Thursday, March 26, 2015

If Najib did not tell Umno reps to vote hudud based on conscience, WHAT DID HE TELL THEM

If Najib did not tell Umno reps to vote hudud based on conscience, WHAT DID HE TELL THEM
Within hours after the Council of Rulers denied discussing the implementation of hudud, the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) issued a denial that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had commented on the matter as well.
This was over the circulation of a fake statement attributed to Najib.
"The PMO wishes to deny that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak issued any statement today about the implementation of hudud," the office tweeted this evening.
According to the fake statement, Najib purportedly announced that Umno MPs are to vote according to their conscience on the private member's bill.
"Pray to Allah that their hearts are open. Who am I and Umno to determine their stance on a matter related to faith (akidah)," it quoted him as saying.
Najib has come under fire from the opposition for dragging his feet on making a stand despite having met with BN component party leaders on the hudud bill last Thursday.
Speculation for this ranged from BN unable to reach a consensus to Najib deliberately delaying to allow the opposition to crumble.
According to PMO, the fake statement was circulated both through social media, and the instant messaging service WhatsApp.
Earlier today, Bernama reported that the Keeper of the Ruler's Seal's Office had lodged a police report at the Travers Police Station over another fake press statement.
That statement claims that the rulers are livid with the news portal The Malaysian Insider over its report that the Rulers Council had rejected the Kelantan government’s proposal to table the private member’s bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965.
The Rulers Council has since denied discussing the implementation of hudud in Kelantan and issuing the statement condemning news portal. - M'kini

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