Thursday, March 26, 2015

MALAYSIA ON THE CUSP OF HISTORIC CHANGE? Go now Najib, don't wait for Dr M to use 'force'

M'SIA ON THE CUSP OF HISTORIC CHANGE? Go now Najib, don't wait for Dr M to use 'force'
American businessman, Howard Schultz said, “When you're surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment around a common purpose, anything is possible.”
It is not only in the business circle, but even in politics, anything is possible when situations change and a new formula has to be drawn out for a new battleground.
In real life, there is only one thing that is constant: Change! If this adage is true, then what appears seemingly impossible, may turn out to be possible. Political parties that were once enemies may be forced to work together when there is a common objective to achieve.
There are times when the question of political survival outweighs loyalty. On its own Pas will not be able to push the hudud laws in Kelantan beyond the State Assembly, but an embattled Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak may see it politically expedient to support hudud.
At least, for Najib, the controversy over the hudud laws would distract his dissenters from other controversies surrounding the death of Mongolian model, Altantuya Shariibuu, the Scorpene submarines and now the “black hole” of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), which could cause Najib’s head to roll.
Go gracefully Najib, don't wait for Dr M to use 'force'
If I were in his position, I would do the same. After all, in politics, it is about one’s own survival. By being loyal to BN, where will this lead MCA, Gerakan and MIC, given that the support from their own communities will be eroded away?
Dr Mahathir - Najib's mentor-turned-critic
Various quarters have been calling for Najib’s resignation, and if he chooses not to support the hudud laws, he may not even survive beyond his sixth year as prime minister. Among those who have been training their guns at Najib are former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and two of Pakatan’s big wigs – Rafizi Ramli and Tony Pua.
While Dr Mahathir has yet to “kick the bucket” (crudely speaking), he has to better step up the pressure and cooperate with both the DAP and PKR to see to it that Najib resigns instead of leading this country to greater debts.
Or else, once he is gone, Najib may become prime minister for another 22 years and the country cannot afford another Mrs Imelda Marcos. We risk having our daughters become Malaysian maids overseas if the country becomes bankrupt.
It will take years before the economy is up and running again, and until then, whatever privileges one enjoys will be insignificant by comparison to the economic woes that the country suffers from. This is one thing that Malaysians can ill-afford!
Whereas Najib is concerned, it is his own political survival as Umno president and the country’s sixth prime minister. In order to remain in power, he has to try to win over the hearts of the Muslim voters in Malaysia, even at the expense of non-Muslim voters. Giving the nod to hudud may be his only way out.
He may wave the green flag, given that Umno is weakest at this juncture, and Najib himself is already under heavy attack on all fronts, from within his own party and from members of the Opposition.
Najib may be the key to the implementation of hudud laws throughout the country. At this juncture, hudud is localized within the state of Kelantan but, when a prime minister endorses the enactment directly or indirectly, the time will come when he will have to bow to the pressure from certain quarters to have the same enactment passed in other states in the country
A New Historic Shake-Up?
Should Najib throw his weight around the hudud law and allow the private bill to be tabled in parliament, both Gerakan and MCA will find the support from the Chinese community diminishing.
Tony Pua
At the same time, MIC which is currently facing an internal crisis, may find that the support from the Indian community further eroded as a result of Umno’s support for Pas’ hudud.
In Sabah and Sarawak, the pro-BN parties which are largely non-Muslims may be forced to re-align themselves. Amidst the elegant silence, a Najib trademark since he took over the reign in 2009, the unhappiness expressed by East Malaysians may cause them breaking away from the BN coalition.
New Sarawak Chief Minister, Adenan Satim had, in one of his recent speeches, publicly condemned Umno for calling others ‘pendatang.’
Traditionally, Sarawak has been a BN vote bank, without which the Umno-led coalition would not be able to cling on to power. Now Sarawak is facing the grim reality that its main coalition partner in Peninsular Malaysia is the result of Upko’s loss of votes.
Adenan cannot tell the descendants of original migrants to then Malaya that he treats them as fellow Malaysians without steering Upko away fis rom the coalition that is headed by a party that is known for making racist remarks from time to time.
Neither can Adenan explain to his fellow Sarawakians why they are still living below poverty line, while the prime minister has spent another RM28 million to upgrade the government jet. Sources close to the prime minister say the money was spent to meet certain requirements set by a third party.
Amidst slump in oil prices and high external debts, Najib is seeking for an additional RM2.2 bil to the Budget 2014.
All Eyes on Najib
Now, all eyes are on Najib. DAP advisor, Lim Kit Siang is asking, in response to Pas and Umno dancing to the marriage tune, if it is time now for a coalition to be formed to push out Najib in order to save Malaysia.
PM Najib - man on the way out?
Until a solution is at hand, a new coalition may have to be formed to bring this country’s economy into place again. This is what political parties in both East and West Malaysia have to start working on, instead of looking at each other as enemies, given the current threat to the country’s federal constitution.
As former MCA president, Dr Chua Soi Lek had put it correctly, instead of calling the charcoal black, MCA should look at its own position why, despite sitting in the same cabinet, both President Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and his deputy, Wee Ka Siong are unable to stop Umno from throwing their support to Pas. - MAILBAG

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