Sunday, March 29, 2015

Perkasa throws contempt of court at Kita Lawan

Ibrahim Ali says protest rallies sets dangerous precedent to insult judges.
Ibrahim-Ali_kitalawan_mahkamah_600KUALA LUMPUR: Ibrahim Ali, head of Malay rights group Perkasa, has urged that the protesters at the KitaLawan rally be charged with contempt of court.
Ibrahim said otherwise the rallies would become a precedent for future events so that when a person was found guilty, there would be parties who would organise rallies to challenge the court’s decision and insult the judges.
“In an effort to free Anwar Ibrahim, this (KitaLawan) would become a dangerous precedent to our nation,” he said.
“If this continues, in the future, if a person is found guilty by the court, there would be those who would question it, (saying) the judges are not fair and not right.
“Their instigation, their speeches during the rally urging that Anwar be freed, all that I consider as contempt of court,” he said at a press conference after chairing a Perkasa leadership meeting.
Ibrahim also condemned the questioning of plans to carry out hudud criminal penalties. He said the non-Muslims should realise that hudud law would only apply to Muslims, and stressed that Muslims had never questioned the beliefs of other religions.
“If this (provocation) continues and is not stopped, we fear that unity among the races would be affected,” he added.
Hundreds of people and senior Pakatan Rakyat politicians gathered in Kuala Lumpur yesterday in a protest march for Anwar to be freed of his five-year jail sentence on a charge of sodomy.
Several politicians have been detained for their part in the rally.

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