Sunday, March 29, 2015

RE-ENERGIZED BY GST MONEY, Najib will attack & finish off Mahathir

RE-ENERGIZED BY GST MONEY, Najib will attack & finish off Mahathir
Despite all the public protests and warnings of losing the federal government come the next general election, Prime Minister Najib Razak is adamant on pushing through the hugely unpopular new tax, GST.
Why? Because the government coffers are in dire need of cash - yes. Because the government's debts are piling up too high and fast, plus the Jho Low controversy and 1MDB leverage burden has made the nation's financial situation critical - yes.
But above all, Najib also needs the GST as a bazooka to stave off a really serious challenge from former mentor, the ex-premier Mahathir Mohamad.
GST bazooka
With GST money gushing into government coffers, Najib will be a new man. He can borrow again. This in turn means, he can spend again. The Umno gravy truck can run again. What hope then has Dr M of overthrowing his regime then?
So that in a nutshell is why GST is a done deal. No need to even hope for a last-minute reprieve. Malaysians may be angry but the greedy Umno-BN warlors are happy. With the Election Commission and police bigwigs only too happy to please Najib and his powerful wife Rosmah Mansor, what worry is ther Umno-BN will again win the next GE.
Najib's wife Rosmah Mansor and Dr Mahathir
The only hope Malaysians have of breaking the vicious cycle created by Najib and his circle of rogue advisers is for critics to join forces and topple him. Otherwise, expect another 5 years of political mayhem if not longer.
Many Malaysians already predict Najib will be the man who will drive Malaysia to bankruptcy and destruction. The notorious R.A.H.M.A.N prophecy will come true. And no one, not even Dr M, can stop Najib and wife Rosmah. With GST money backing them, the Najib-Rosmah juggernaut is unstoppable.
More 'planes', more grand parties, more abuse, more corruption resulting in more poverty ...
Already, the talk in the Putrajaya grapevine is that among Najib's first purchases - once GST is implemented - will be more beautiful 'planes' to carry himself and his wife off to fancy destinations with their grand friends and jet-set clique.
True or not remains to be seen. But since even during hard times, the government could not be bothered to reduce unnecessary procurements; the answer to the above question is most probably yes. Datuk Seri Najib Razak would not have any qualms in purchasing more planes when the GST is implemented, especially to please his wife.
Najib and his sycophants would give 1001 reasons to justify the spending but of course none of the reasons are really valid.
See, here we are talking metaphorically about buying more ‘planes’ for his wife to use. Fortunately for us the rakyat, Najib is a one-woman man as he has denied knowing the late Altantuya Shaariibuu.
PM Najib
If Najib had more than what he has now, our hands would be full, not him! Because we have to bear all the costs of maintaining his women!
It has been proven that while our economy is not encouraging and people are asking Najib on the debts and issues of 1MDB, he had the nerve to purchase and refurbish one jet plane at an exorbitant price of nearly RM0.5 billion! Is the jet plane really necessary? Even if it is a matter of life and death, look, our country lacks funds and the National Debt is staggeringly high at RM740 billion in 2014.
With all the numerous impeccable advisers, can’t Najib find another alternative instead of buying a new plane? Even if that is the only alternative, can’t the overall cost be more reasonable because the basic cost of the plan is about RM 270 million as reported in the media. How can Najib be so callous?
Thus, what would stop Najib from buying new ‘jet planes’ every year when he has more funds at hand from the GST? May be that is one of the main reasons the GST is imposed! Collect more money and spend like there is no tomorrow! Maybe Najib will purchase an expensive, exclusive, custom made yacht or boat next year.
Please note that we only know about the purchases after someone exposed them. What if there are more and what have been exposed is just the tip of the iceberg?
These extravagant and wasteful purchases are only for the benefit of certain people, we would not have the chance to see them let alone use or even touch them!
Anti-GST protesters
As for Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, she already has expensive handmade bags, diamond studded rings, ornate watches and clothing. She had several expensive exotic annual holidays, intercontinental shopping sprees and tours. The couple may have purchased overseas properties too. The rest is anybody’s guess, but what else would she want to have? Or “Apa lagi Rosmah mahu”, in Malay.
We hope that Najib will come to his senses when spending public funds; be more prudent if not frugal. And for buying things for his wife, he can buy anything for her as long as it is from his own pocket. - MAILBAG

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