Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Rulers have ‘nothing to do’ with Kelantan’s hudud

The religious affairs of a state is strictly under its own Sultan, says PAS MP Takiyuddin.
Takiyuddin_hudud_kelantan_300KUALA LUMPUR: A PAS MP has rejected a suggestion the Conference of Rulers needs to give its blessing before Kelantan can implement hudud.
“This has nothing to do with the Conference of Rulers,” Kota Bharu MP Takiyuddin Hassan told reporters gathered outside Parliament House.
“The religious affairs of a state is strictly under its Sultan. The Sultan of Kelantan’s stance on hudud is clear. He supports hudud in Kelantan.”
He was referring to a news report today that said PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang had felt compelled to table a private member’s bill in Parliament to seek changes to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act after the proposed amendments were rejected by the Rulers’ Conference at its meeting on March 11.
Amendments to the act are necessary to extend the powers of sentencing of Syariah Courts beyond their current powers.
Kelantan cannot implement hudud without the changes.
Takiyuddin said Hadi was using his parliamentary privileges to table the private member’s bill.
“I don’t understand the commotion this has caused,” he said.
He also blasted DAP for its statements on the hudud issue, calling them “strange”, “uncalled for” and “unbecoming”. The DAP statements included a sharp criticism of Hadi as “dishonourable”.
“For us PAS, as most of us have said before, in our understanding in Pakatan Rakyat, we don’t agree in every single aspect and area,” Takiyuddin said.
“DAP can disagree with some things that aren’t part of Pakatan’s Common Policy Framework, and so can PKR.”
Besides the common policy, Takiyuddin said, the parties making up Pakatan had their individual priorities.
“PAS’ policies are Islamic based. We strive to create a community based on Islamic ways. That’s in our party constitution.
No other party can stop PAS’ agenda, even if it is part of the coalition.”
He said PAS would not stand in the way of DAP or PKR if either were to pursue a legislation that may not be part of the common policy, but something the political party feels strongly about. He gave DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia as an example.
He also said he had no problem accepting the support of political rival Umno in getting the bill passed.
“For me as a PAS MP, support from anyone, including Umno, is appreciated,” he said.

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