Sunday, April 26, 2015


‘The key point is to win Permatang Pauh as it is a strategic seat.’
Trueglitter: Amid the political squalor and immeasurable indignities created by Umno-BN, the choice of Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to contest Permatang Pauh by-election under Pakatan Rakyat banner is most apt and judicious.
Point in fact to be noted is her endearing political persona proven by her staunch and unwavering articulations on issues of relevance coupled with acknowledgment of fact she is spouse of Anwar Ibrahim, whose position as de facto leader of Pakatan must be safeguarded.
Wan Azizah's own political stature is to be acknowledged and appreciated given the weighty responsibilities she countenance both as wife and acting leader of Pakatan, especially during the incarceration of Anwar when the party was undergoing tumultuous upheavals from within and opportunistic onslaughts from Umno-BN from without.
This gracious and ennobled lady deserves the wholehearted support cum affection from all voters in Permatang Pauh.
Ferdtan: In the current scenario, Wan Azizah is the best candidate to retain the seat when PAS under president Abdul Hadi Awang will be indirectly sabotaging the PKR candidate.
Put any other candidate, even though better qualified than Wan Azizah, he or she will not win the by-election at the current moment.
The key point here is to win Permatang Pauh at all cost as it is a strategic seat, the home of de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and as well its president, the current PKR candidate.
To lose the seat may spell the gradual downfall of the party. BN will never let that fact, if they win, go unpunished in the next GE.
SteveOh: That Wan Azizah is still in the political ring and standing tall despite all these years of suffering injustice and all the bashings she has received as a politician and as the wife of Anwar is incredible.
She was thrust into politics and her resilience is proven and tested and to many of us, she is the sort of politician Malaysia desperately needs.
If I could vote in Permatang Pauh, she definitely has my vote.
MA: I think this will be the toughest fight yet for Pakatan in Permatang Pauh. With PAS votes split because of hudud, which even may splinter the Malay voters in Pakatan, and with DAP at loggerheads with PAS; it will be a narrow win for PKR in this by-election.
Hero325: PKR has no other credible candidate? From 1999 until now 16 long years has passed, PKR in Permatang Pauh has failed to produce a proper successor.
Anonymous_3f4b: Indeed, how come PKR do not have any better candidate. This is clear nepotism at work.
If it is not Anwar, it will be his wife, if not, it will be his daughter, if not, it will be his son-in-law, if not, it will be his grandchild.
It looks like Permatang Pauh is their personal fiefdom and private territory not unlike the other family dynasty the nomadic Lims of DAP where father, son and daughter-in-law have warmed their seats either as parliamentarians or assemblypersons short of Lim’s spouse and daughters, who will be joining the fray very soon.
They are treating politics as their personal playground and the voters are the real suckers if they fall time and again to this nonsense.
I wonder how Wan Azizah is going to serve her constituency if she wins in Permatang Pauh given her present role as state assemblywoman of Kajang.
I sympathise with the voters in Kajang - and Permatang Pauh if she is again chosen - as they are being shortchanged by such shallow political interest.
Fairplayer: To those who want Wan Azizah to serve in Kajang, what do you mean by "serve"? Organise tea parties for the rakyat? Sweep the roads and the drains? Control the traffic? Clean the public toilets?
We need her strong and courageous voice of reason in Parliament. Instead of complaining about her not serving, why not lend a helping hand and do your bit to make Kajang a better place?
For now, and until the next GE, we need Wan Azizah in Parliament. Get it?
Multi Racial: Azizah will win no matter what. Yes, Pakatan has traitors among them. He is none other than Hadi.
I hope PAS will wake up to realise what Hadi has done to them. If they continue to follow Hadi, PAS will lose back many parliamentary and state seats in the next GE.
FellowMalaysian: The people of Permatang Pauh have a conscionable duty to do and that is to go out to vote and return PKR's chosen one as their MP once again.
They must remember this very important and sacred duty if they value justice and if they wish to see this country unshackle itself from the clutches of tyranny and corruption. Only Wan Azizah can deliver your future.
Haveagreatday: May the best man/woman win. I have spoken my piece as have many other more distinguished analysts arguing why PKR ought to be having better respect for the voters of Permatang Pauh by nominating another leader.
Perhaps, the PKR does know better. As one still hoping for change, I can only wish PKR all the best but I'm glad I'm not a voter in Permatang Pauh or else... - M'kini

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