Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Anti-GST group unhappy with Custom’s answers

Kuala Lumpur Customs Department acting director Datuk Abd Gani Othman meeting representatives from  Gabungan Bantah GST at the Customs HQ in Kelana Jaya today. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Seth Akmal, April 1, 2015. Kuala Lumpur Customs Department acting director Datuk Abd Gani Othman meeting representatives from Gabungan Bantah GST at the Customs HQ in Kelana Jaya today. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Seth Akmal, April 1, 2015. 
Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), the group behind the Gabungan Bantah GST, expressed disappointment today over what they described as the Customs Department's failure to answer their questions on the controversial consumption tax.
Out of the 106 questions posed to the department, PSM secretary-general S. Arutchelvan said 17 questions were left unanswered and 63 were too vague. Only 26 questions were answered accordingly.
"One of the questions not answered was the number of Customs officers tasked to handle the GST. Those that they replied, the answers given were too simplistic," he said.
Despite heavy presence of police, the group was able to meet with Kuala Lumpur Customs Department acting director Datuk Abd Gani Othman for about 10 minutes outside the department's headquarters in Kelana Jaya today.
The coalition also presented a bouquet of flower to the department as a sign of peace.
During the discussion, one of the representatives, Nashitah Md Noor told Gani that they were disappointment with the department's handling of protesters last week.
Gani later apologised and said: "I apologise for that. I am only human so sometimes I make mistake."
Meanwhile, Badrul Hisham Shaharin or Chegubard said the department should cancel the implementation of GST and cited Hong Kong as one of the countries that had cancelled the tax after public criticism.
He hinted that there could be a rally on the issue in May.
The Bantah GST coalition comprised of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT), Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM), Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam (GAMIS), Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), DEMA, PAS. Angkatan Pemuda Bangsa Malaysia (APBM), LENSA and Saya Bangsa Anak Malaysia (SABM).
Among those present at the meeting were Suaram's Syukri Razab, UM's Khairol Najib, and PAS youth information chief Nasaie Ismail.
Last Monday, more than 80 people, including opposition party leaders, were arrested at Customs Department headquarters after they held a sit-in protest against the implementation of GST.
Gabungan Bantah GST had previously launched an online petition to protest against GST, expressing worries that it would lead to inflation.
Instead of looking to increase the tax base, the petition said Putrajaya should find ways to curb excessive spending and wastage.
The broad-based 6% GST tax will be levied on almost everything except a list of essential goods

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