Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Because… – Amar-Singh HSS and Lim Swee-Im

Because our banks are so good, our PM uses a Singaporean bank for huge transactions of our money.
Because we have a world-class education system, our government ministers send their children to overseas schools and universities.
Because we have a system of meritocracy, more than one million Malaysian professionals have left the country.
Because we have free and democratic elections, our city/town councils are appointed.
Because we have justice and freedom of expression, only dissenting individuals get arrested for trivial reasons.
Because we have a great public transport system, our ministers and VIPs use outriders to get through traffic.
Because Malaysia is a rich nation, 53% of households have no financial assets.
Because Malaysia is a developing nation, the gap between the rich and poor has grown exponentially.
Because we have so little poverty, 30% of the population struggle from day to day.
Because we have freedom of religion, other religions are suppressed.
Because our nation practises true Islam (a religion of no compulsion), we have apostasy laws.
Because our nation's corruption is not severe, we are ranked number two (from the bottom) in corruption index.
Each of us can add more "because" to the list above but what is important is not grumbling, but doing something to change the situation.
We need to follow the advice Mahatma Gandhi gave "Be the change that you want to see in the world".
So, because…
Because our beloved nation is dying, we cannot remain silent and allow it to die.
Because innocent brothers and sisters of ours are arrested and imprisoned, we will speak even louder for basic freedom and justice.
Because many leaders are corrupt and callous, we, the people, must not descend to their level or become like them. We must not allow or encourage bribery and corruption to grow.
Because our leaders do not serve the people, we the people must rise up to lead by serving the people in whatever small way we can, regardless of race or religion.
Because many leaders care only for themselves, family and friends, we must care not only for ourselves, family and friends, but also for everybody else, regardless of race or religion.
Because we love our nation, we must struggle and sacrifice for all the people.
We cannot stand by and allow the despair of the people, endemic and epidemic corruption, blatant disregard for democratic principles, injustice, and racist behaviour of leaders to continue.
We, the average Malaysian, poor or rich, of all persuasions, can be the change we want to see in Malaysia.
Let us all be the change we want to see.
Datuk Dr Amar-Singh HSS and Datin Dr Lim Swee Im read The Malaysian Insider.

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