Monday, April 27, 2015


Today, a public forum, Bicarawan Negara featuring Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the speaker was conducted near my house (about 1.5km from my resident) at Taman Melawati. This event reminds me of what happened about nine years ago at the same venue.
At the same venue, he was invited to give a speech, participate in a Q&A session and discuss about leadership of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi with the public . That was where he insulted and passed unpleasant remarks about Abdullah. That event, too,was organized by the same NGO that which hides behind an identity of another NGO.
Today, the intentions and purposes were the same. The only difference is that Najib Razak was the target instead of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi . Perhaps Mahathir has this sense of pride that he managed to get Abdullah to resign by launching continuous attacks against him.
Mahathir was satisfied when Abdullah resigned. And he was satisfied when the person he suggested was chosen as the successor by Abdullah (Najib). However, not even 10 years Najib became the Prime Minister, Mahathir has launched attacks against Najib. As Abdullah, Najib too disappointed Mahathir.
One should read the analysis of reports and answers by Mahathir in the programme in which he described his disappointment with Najib. Mahathir appears to have been exhausted and frustrated with Najib, who refuses to step down despite of many attacks and allegations against him.
Even in the forum today, Mahathir raised the reasons why Najib should resign. He further discussed about his sense of gratitude that made him to bring up Najib to where he is now. Now, even sense of gratitude is brought into a discussion, we could see clearly how severe things have been for Najib.
Matters raised by Mahathir were including the issue of 1MDB, murder of Altantuya Sharriibuu, and the most recent is the luxurious lifestyle of both Najib and his wife. Apparently Mahathir also touched on Najib's personal life.
God does not give second chances?
Mahathir's disappointment with Najib's failure reminds me of what was said by the former President of PAS, late Fadzil Mohd Noor who wanted Mahathir to live longer so that karma could hit him hard for all his deeds during his tenure as the Prime Minister.
Well, what happened today, reflects exactly what late Fadzil Noor wished for. Today, Mahathir has been suffering from “mental disorder” for all his deeds in the past. Mahathir also admitted his mistake in appointing his successor. He is truly disappointed with Abdullah and Najib.
Mahathir admitted his mistake but does not appear apologetic for his cruelty against Anwar Ibrahim. The fact is appointing Abdullah and advising Abdullah to appoint Najib as his deputy through a letter alone is not his mistake but his biggest mistake is to sack Anwar Ibrahim.
Mahathir should have been aware of this fact that God does not give second chance.
Aided & abetted by Rosmah, Najib won't roll over as easily as Pak Lah
Talking about the efforts to get rid of Najib, I do not think it is as simple as what was done to Abdullah. Although Najib appears to be 'soft' , he has a thick skin. Abdullah who resigned as the fifth Prime Minister has his own morals and integrity. Abdullah bounds to the public's demand but the situation is not the same with Najib. As the son of a politician, it is difficult for Najib to follow Abdullah's footsteps. He would have learned from the experiences went through by Abdullah. Abdullah, on the other hand is from a family background with a good character and high morals.
Najib's strength, apart from the strong support at the grassroots level, he also has his wife who plays a role in strengthening his position. Like it or not, the reality; Rosmah is Najib's good assistant. Considering these factors, I see it is difficult for Mahathir to get Najib to resign.
June resignation still uphill task unless Dr M ropes in Zahid
Mahathir highlighted that he has discussed about Najib's resignation with Najib himself and according to the plan, Najib should resign in June. This means there are another two months to go. Muhyiddin Yassin then to take over after Najib's resignation.
I , on the other hand believe in what said by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah that Mahathir has no power to get rid of Rosmah's husband.
PM Najib and Rosmah
It still will be a disappointment for Mahathir if he continues to hope Najib to be kicked out by UMNO itself because some of the UMNO members who prospered through Rosmah and Najib have a sense of gratitude towards both of them and it is difficult for them to turn their back against Najib and Rosmah. For many members, especially UMNO division heads and elected representatives, they are in their comfort zone now and they will not disobey.
Mahathir's hope alone for Muhyiddin to take over the Prime Minister position is insufficient even if Muhyiddin is very keen to be the Prime Minister because he does not have a strong influence at the grassroots level. Hence, it is wise for Muhyiddin to think twice before following Mahathir's instructions blindly.
Honestly, if Mahathir wants to topple Najib within UMNO, he has to collaborate with Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the Deputy President since he has a strong influence in the party. Apart from that. If he wants this to be done outside of UMNO, he can consider working together with Razaleigh and Anwar Ibrahim.
The question is whether Zahid is ready to work with Dr Mahathir on this? - MAILBAG

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