Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Drop Anwar as Selangor Economic Advisor

Shamsuddin Lias suggests Menteri Besar Azmin Ali take over as Special Economic Advisor or leave the position vacant.
anwar_ekonomi_sel_600_1SHAH ALAM: Sungai Burong Assemblyman Mohd Shamsudin Lias, taking the cue from Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s Petition for a Pardon from the Agong not being accepted this time, has suggested that Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali consider replacing the jailed de facto PKR Leader as Special Economic Advisor to the Selangor Government.
He was also questioning Azmin’s rationale in keeping Anwar in the position several weeks after he had been incarcerated. “An economically dynamic state like Selangor cannot be hampered by an Advisor who has severe limitations.”
“We have to take into account that Anwar is at present serving a five year jail sentence,” said Shamsudin who was formerly Selangor Opposition Leader. “He’s not exactly in a situation where he can perform his duties as Special Economic Advisor without hindrances and obstacles.”
Shamsuddin reiterated that Azmin must be bold and take a firm stand on the issue and not give the impression that he’s afraid to make a decision.
“How is Anwar going to access and study data? He needs such information if he’s going to perform his tasks in advising the Selangor Government on economic matters.”
He pointed out that it’s not easy for anyone to visit Anwar in jail since they would have to schedule such meetings well in advance, get approvals and the like. “It’s better to look for someone else to replace him. Isn’t there anyone else qualified enough to replace Anwar? If there’s no one, just leave the position vacant or Azmin himself can take over as Special Economic Advisor.”
“Perhaps, the Selangor Government doesn’t really need an Advisor on economic matters.”
It was not immediately clear what role Anwar plays as Special Economic Advisor to the Selangor Government. Generally, Advisors unlike Consultants are required to give their advice only when asked. Otherwise, they are seen but not heard.
Azmin, according to media reports, has since visited Anwar in jail on the grounds that he needs to consult with the Selangor Government’s Special Economic Advisor. If Anwar is removed from the position, the Menteri Besar would need some other acceptable reason to visit Anwar in jail. Also, such visits may not be that frequent.
The laws, it has been learnt, may not prohibit Anwar from continuing in his role as Special Economic Advisor to the Selangor Government, for which he’s paid a token RM1 per month.

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