Friday, May 1, 2015

HOW LONG CAN NAJIB LAST? Dr M to go 'NO-HOLDS-BARRED' after PM vows to 'never surrender'

HOW LONG CAN NAJIB LAST? Dr M to go 'NO-HOLDS-BARRED' after PM vows to 'never surrender'
PETALING JAYA - Prime Minister Najib’s open show of defiance in the face of Dr Mahathir’s campaign to oust him will only provoke the former premier to intensify his attacks, according to political analyst Shahbudin Husin.
Indeed, Shahbudin notes in his latest blog entry, Mahathir showed a hint of how combative he could get just hours after Tuesday night’s broadcast of Najib’s belligerent speech.
Speaking to reporters yesterday, Mahathir referred to rumours about the lavish lifestyle of the Prime Minister and his wife, mentioning the talk about the high expense incurred in celebrating the wedding of their daughter.
Shahbudin joins other commentators in interpreting Najib’s televised speech as a signal to Mahathir that he will fight the former prime minister at whatever cost.
If Najib maintains his resolve and Mahathir remains true to his character, the Malaysian public will be witnessing a bitter war indeed, according to Shahbudin.
The blogger appears to be putting his money on Mahathir.
“As everyone knows,” he says, “Mahathir will never back off, will never surrender, will never abandon something he has started.

“It is said that he would not do anything without placing it on a firm basis. It is also said that he becomes especially creative when engaged in a fight.
“Now that Najib has made it clear that he won’t back down, many believe that it stimulates Mahathir’s stamina and he will become more aggressive. Indeed, he is expected to come forward with more damaging and perhaps extraordinary evidence” to show that Najib is not qualified to remain as Prime Minister.
Shahbudin says its unreasonable to ask Mahathir to stop openly criticising Najib. “He has already tried to counsel the Prime Minister in private and has even written to him, but Najib has chosen to ignore him.”
He says the public is “clearly with Mahathir” in seeking answers to questions that the former premier has posed to Najib. He notes that even Najib’s predecessor, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, has recently joined the chorus asking the Prime Minister to give direct answers to Mahathir’s questions.
“So, with neither Najib nor Mahathir willing to back down, how will it all end?” Shahbudin asks. “Will the war drag on until the 14th general election and end in the defeat of both?” - FMT

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