Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Saifuddin Abdullah : things have gone from 'bad to worse'.


  • report without fear or favour, Saifuddin Abdullah tells journalists after arrests
  • Saifuddin said that things have gone from 'bad to worse
  • Saifuddin urged journalists to continue reporting without fear or favour
  • “This persecution might affect some, but my plea is, please be steadfast,” 
  • “The people need us to report and feature without fear or favour” 
  • Three editors from TMI were arrested under Sedition Act 
  • “I hope journalists will remain steadfast and soldier on 
  • Institute of Journalists Malaysia said arrest creates a climate of fear
My comments : Does Clueless have any clue about what is going on? Depriving a man of his freedom is a very serious matter.  Clueless must face the Press and state clearly why these journalists were arrested.

And to our setengah masak media, the next time you see ANY MINISTER, ANY MINISTER AT ALL, ask them about these arrests lah.

If you see the PM ask him why were these people from TMI and Edge are being arrested?  He is a Minister too.

The journalists all work for Tong Kooi Ong. Is this just a coincidence or what? Ask Hassan Malek the jangan makan ayam Minister. He is a jack of all trades. Ask him to answer.

Ask him what he thinks about Saifuddin Abdullah's statement and also Nur Jazlan's statement, both of whom do not agree with arresting these journalists.

Ask the PM lah.

The problem with the media is that you journalists out there also dont ask these guys the right questions.  

Ask Liow Tiong Lai if the MCA can agree with the arrest of these four journalists? 

Ask Kamalanathan from the MIC. He is a former PR guy - surely he can say something on behalf of MIC.  Call them and ask them. Jangan tunggu.  

Call Gerakan - whatever is that fellow's name. Ask the Gerakan too.

Call Adenan Satem in Sarawak and ask him.

And dont forget to call James Masing in Kuching. Setujukah wartawan di tangkap dan di masuk dalam lokap?

Also call Gapur Salleh and get his reaction. 

Bagus kah untuk imej BN kalau wartawan di tangkap dan di masuk dalam lokap, masuk dalam penjara etc.

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