Thursday, May 28, 2015

DR M ANGRY: No mercy for Najib, he will be charged if guilty - so will Bank Negara, IRB, ministry officers...

DR M ANGRY: No mercy for Najib, he will be charged if guilty - so will Bank Negara, IRB, ministry officers...
1. Whenever a question is posed to the Prime Minister, Minister by a Member of Parliament, even though the answer is prepared by an officer, it is the minister who is responsible. He is the one who has to bear the responsibility should there be any mistake. Although proceedings in Parliament are given immunity under the law, answers that are not based on truth will be untrue and will no longer enjoy immunity when such replies are published for public information without denial.
2. Officers who prepared the answers do not enjoy immunity (from liability, prosecution). They are responsible for the content of the answers. If it is found they did not arrive at their answers based on the truth, because they did not base their answers on valid information and evidence, they can be accused of deliberately shielding the Minister for the sake of hiding the truth. In other words, the Minister can still be accused of lying and be charged alongside the officer.
3.The onus of responsibility is greater on the Minister because he is required to review and determine if the answer made his behalf is true.
Those who help Najib to 'cover up' will face the full brunt of the law too
4. The Prime Minister has explained that the sum of USD 1 billion was not brought back to Malaysia because of Bank Negara regulations involving inward and outward remittances of more than 50 million.
5. I understand that banks are instructed to question remittances of more than RM50,000 / -. If the business involved has nothing to do with "money laundering", i.e. it is not obtained illegally, then it does not matter.
6. The question is, was 1MDB with the knowledge of its advisers involved with money laundering, to the extent money from the Cayman Islands had to be deposited in Singapore.
Zeti Aziz, the Bank Negara governor, is regarded as a close ally to Najib, who also holds the post of Finance Minister
7. But Singapore too examines carefully the money that goes in and out of its borders to prevent criminal money laundering. So how can it be 1MDB does not know the rules of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)?
8. Or is the real purpose to tell lies about the money kept in Singapore, that there is actually no money deposited there, that money amounting to over one billion US dollars have been lost.
9. If it cannot be proven there is money in Singapore, then once again, the officers and Minister are guilty of lying.
10. With regard to Bank Negara refusing to give information concerning the report it received from Monetary Authority of Singapore, if it is found that the purpose is to protect those who lied about the money 1MDB claims is in Singapore, then this also constitutes a crime chargeable under the criminal law of the country.
Selective prosecution by Inland Revenue, AG, IGP?
11. There is something strange and wrong with the reluctance of government departments, which are responsible to take action over the  allegations and police report made over the loss of money at 1MDB, and government-linked companies. But the man who lodged the police report has been made a bankrupt, his house confiscated and investigations initiated against him for alleged involvement in funding terrorism and money laundering.
12. There were journalists who were arrested because they allegedly committed offences under the Sedition Act but were later released because there was no offense committed by them.
13. I myself was probed by the Inland Revenue Board when I ran a clinic. I had to pay extra taxes when all my explanations were rejected. I was even told if I took the case to court, most likely I would be fined three times more. The investigation into my income was based on the premise that as a doctor, I would surely be rich and as such did not pay taxes in full.
Senior editors of news portal The Malaysian Insider were arrested and remanded by the police after publishing several revealing expose's on the 1MDB financial scandal
14. Government officials who live luxurious lives way above their income are usually investigated by the Inland Revenue Board. Yet for a particular Minister who is clearly living too luxuriously, investigations are not made. But the man who lodged a police report on the subject matter is under investigation.
It is very sad when there is selective prosecution in criminal investigations. Today Malaysia has been ranked among the 10 countries where corruption is rampant.
16. The people of Malaysia are subject to the same laws. There shall be no discrimination and no selective prosecution in enforcing the law. -
Translated by Malaysia Chronicle

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