Saturday, May 2, 2015

HAS NAJIB BANNED DR M FROM ROMPIN? Chedet denies talk of Saturday appearance

HAS NAJIB BANNED DR M FROM ROMPIN? Chedet denies talk of Saturday appearance
KUALA LUMPUR - Speculation is rife that former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has been 'forbidden' to show his face at the Rompin by-election for fear that his barrage of spicy accusations against Prime Minister Najib Razak might reduce votes for their Umno party.
The rumors boiled over after Mahathir's aides denied there had been plans for the 90-year to speak at a rally in the Rompin constituency.
"It has been brought to our attention that a poster related to a purported talk by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, in particular in Bukit Ibam, Rompin on Saturday, May 2, has been circulating in the social media," said a short statement posted on Mahathir's famous blog site
"On behalf of the office of YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, the admin of would like to clarify that there is no such event planned."
Mahathir has publicly called for Najib to resign over a series of mis-governance and corruption scandals, while Najib has returned fire by saying he did not have time to entertain 'baseless' allegations.
The Rompin seat fell vacant after a controversial helicopter crash that killed Umno MP Jamaluddin Jarjis, who was also Najib's chief strategist.
Many political pundits believe the results of the Rompin by-election will indicate which side Umno members are leaning towards as Mahathir intensifies his effort to dislodge Najib.
The former PM has said he will be touring Umno branches and divisions across the country to explain Najib's 'issues' and why Najib must rmake way for a new PM. - Malaysia Chronicle

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