Thursday, May 28, 2015

Strange connections, strange bedfellows

Here' an interesting post by RPK which links the Forex adventure with the disaster, let me rephrase that, the financialdisaster that is MAS - also see TMI's The 21 years of mismanagement that brought MAS to its knees.

An extract from RPK's post follows:

... you are probably not aware of the reason why in the first place MAS was sold to Tajudin Ramli. According to the Affidavit filed in court (which anyone can get a copy of) Tajudin said he was ordered (he called it ‘national service’) to buy MAS at RM8.00 a share because the government needed to show a profit (on paper, that is).

And whom do you think ordered Tajudin to buy MAS?

And why did the government need to show a profit by selling MAS to Tajudin? Well, according to Tajudin, the government had lost RM30 billion from 1992-1994 by playing the money market so it needed to show a profit by selling MAS to cover the RM30 billion Forex losses.

In other words, the government needed to urut or massage the books. Since we lost RM30 billion playing the money market we needed to make money by selling MAS at an exorbitant price so that we can show a huge profit. So the profit from selling MAS can cover the loss playing the market.

I also note that Dr M has taken a pause in his virulent attacks, at times very ad hominem, against PM Najib. He just wants Najib out, full stop, and seemingly to hell with collateral damage for UMNO.

I'm gonna get that punk
Punk? He's 60 years old!
By the time I finish with him, he'll look 600!

She's my Samson!
Why Samson?
As long as she doesn't cut her hair short, I'll be invincible!

Oh, such imperious petulance by the emperor!

But has he currently run out of steam? Or is he taking a breather whilst his two henchmen do their 'jobs'? Wakakaka.

Or, in the current recount of MAS' financial buy-back footsie-tootsie with Tajudin Ramli, the resurrection of unaccountable Forex gambling, and now RPK's linking of the two financial naughtiness, he has realized his dua kali lima brazen bullying badgering against Ah Jib Gor?

OTOH, could he be leaving it to Pakatan's Rafizi Ramli and Tony Pua to carry on with the 1 MDB bone they now have in their mouths and to worry that to death and thus finish off Ah Jib Gor for him?

Politics make strange bedfellows, wakakaka.

And now a quote from Manmanlai's fave author (of course next to al Quran):

Alas, the storm is come again!
My best way is to creep under his gaberdine
There is no other shelter hereabouts
Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows
I will here shroud till the dregs of the storm be past

Dei, don't blame me again okay? I'm currently in prison

Okay, but are you still reading Shakespeare?

See Anwar Ibrahim sustained in prison by Quran & Shakespeare

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